RiceDroid Update Changelogs Rice Code: 5.0 Rice Version: Halo Halo - a Filipino dessert made with mixed fruit, boiled sweetened white beans, milk, and shaved ice, typically topped with purple yam, crème caramel, and ice cream. Legend: [] = Credits and thanks to UR = User's Requests MR = Maintainer's Request CP = Cherry-pick changes under ricedroid additions MD = Co-authored/partly modified/minor code changes AOSP = Cherry-pick changes from AOSP gerrit/master branch ===== Start of Changelog for version 5.0 ===== ==== riceDroid Additions ===== changes we did or modified * Adapted CAF/CLO revisions to AOSP - CAF/CLO tag patches taken from CAF/CLO based roms [AOSPA] - CAF/CLO optimization ports (needs to be tuned/enabled via device tree) * Added back Lockscreen Blur Media Filters [eldainosor] - [MD]: Make blur radius configurable * Dialer Improvements: - Improved Design based on google's M3 design - [CP]: Crowdin updates [gwolf2u] * Fixed statusbar, keyguard and QSB views paddings * Fixed systemui restart issues (combined signal etc, removed systemui restart prompt, just use the power menu one) * Improved Dashboard Styles - automatically detects if build variant (vanilla/pixel) - Added AOSP style - Fixed Arcane Style usercard avatar * Minor Volume Panel redesign * QS Weather view position customization * [MD] Resizeable QS Date, QS and Statusbar clock [StarkDroid|Corvus-AOSP] - Reverted back to vivid monet shades (sorry black theme users) * [AOSP][CP][MD] runtime improvements and August ASB patches from master branch [neobuddy89|crdroid team|lineageos] * [MD] Statusbar Clock background chip [StarkDroid|Corvus-AOSP] * [MD] Statusbar paddings customizations [IDontCare-05|CrisbalGreece] * SushiLauncher: Spicy Tuna - [CP]Add Weather view from OmniJaws [StarkDroid|Corvus AOSP] - Apply google smartspace layout - Fixed google search bar color on light mode - Increased max allowed blur radius - Introduce Extended at a glance - [CP] preference for wallpaper scrolling [neobuddy89|crdroid] - [CP] restore blur on configuration changes [ritujb] - Fixed recents apps resources tint - Applied google M3 color shades - Redesign QuickSearchBar [teamfiles - for the pixel launcher mod concept] * Switched to glassy blur effect for background views, recents etc * System Shapes: Improved theming support * Toggle-able Translucent QS style [Project Fluid|elluzion|Androbuddy] * Translation support improvements - added turkish translations [Lafactorial] - added chinese translations [xingxingchuan|Fldicoahkiin] - made more strings translatable ~ if you want it to be merged to the source please send a message to the group with #translation with url of your repo, we will cherrypick it and add it to source for you with authorship intact (our crowdin is limited). * Vibrant monet color scheme based from android 13 monet styles ==== Cherry-picked features Additions ==== purely cherry-picked changes we didnt modified * crDroid August Upstream changes [neobuddy89|gwolf2u|iusmac|shevt] - Android runtime Improvements and fixes - Fixed navigation bar theming - Fixed handwave & proximity pulse conflict - Crowdin Translations * Fixed Power menu systemUI restart showing dialog when restarting [ezio84] * Fixed user profile photo picker crash [tmjosten|Evolution X] * Improved Statusbar clock background paddings - [StarkDroid|Corvus-AOSP] * LineageOS August Upstream changes [luk1337|althafvly|bgcngm|sevenrock|chirayudesai|stricted|mikeNg|haggertk] - August ASB patches - Lineage dependencies upstream (HALS, blobs, sepolicy more) _ Lineage translations updates _ Lineage frameworks patches and improvements * Show August security patch on settings [jhenrique09|PixelExperience] * Show ripple on face unlock [xyzuan|xdroid OSS] * Switch notification background to monet on heads up [DillerOFire|Project Fluid] * Toast icon toggle and improvements [LordClockan|SagarMakhar|BoredOutOfMyGit|jhenrique09|idoybh] * QuickSettings Weather view - [StarkDroid|Corvus-AOSP] * Weather provider from OmniRom - [maxwen] Big thanks to pimpmaneaton for these fork changes merged on main branch: * Big dotted/circle battery indicator [DennySPB] * ColorController: Fix getting default color [varund7726] * Lockscreen charging improvements [calebcabob|SagarMakhar] * QuickSettings vibrate/haptic feedback [mydongistiny|amartinz] * Screenshot shutter sound toggle [maxwen] ===== End of Changelog for version 5.0 ===== PS: if we missed some credits please let us know! Have a nice day.Notes:
• PIXEL variant
• Flash 13.0.9 firmware
• @Anush02198 for kernel
• @Idi0tGuy and @Zoro0835 for testing
• @TejasKamat for trees
By @its_bishal
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