~ CHANELOG ~ DATE 25-04-2023 SOURCE - Merged with Android-13.0.0_r41 QPR2 - April security patch - Use different monet customization - Drop some features due to QPR2 issue merging - Initial Updater installed - Some improvements on GameSpace - A little memory optimization - Other minor improvements under the hood - Fixed wake on charge preference on some devices - Use RGB colorspace for recovery logo image - Allow bypassing signature verification on non-release build in recovery - Introduce PowerOffAlarmService - Fixed SmartPixels on supported devices - Fix a race condition in content provider - Updated some core service permissions - Enable limited alpha composting by default - Added QS Header Image customizations (credit to AncientOS and RisingTechOSS) - Updated PixelPropUtils - Bring back notification clear all button styles - Updated refresh rate preferences in Settings - Minor UI improvements - Some minor optimizations DEVICE - Upgrade ImsFactory to 1.1 - Update QTI Radio LPA HAL to v1.1 - Update Audio HIDL to 7.1 - Update Adreno to LA.UM.9.14.r1-21000-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0 - Update leica camera 4.7.230127 - Add dolby atmos - Semlohey default kernel based from aghisna - Upstream 4.14.313 Credit Adarsh Grewal, Arian K, Aryan999 based device and common tree RooGhz720 kernel tree Mr.fox for leica my tester @ShiningSkull, AnkitVerma
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