2020-09-12 * external/libjpeg-turbo * cb2ff34 Implement fast DCT using Arm NEON intrinsics Jonathan Wright * frameworks/native * b18d4ad Revert "Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.3.r1-08500-sdm845.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/frameworks/native into HEAD" kondors1995 7522ace Revert "Merge tag 'LA.UM.8.12.c3-12900-sm8250.0' of https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/frameworks/native into HEAD" kondors1995 2020-09-11 * build/make * dea4102 Fix year in security patch DennySPb * external/asus/stichimage * 6771881 StitchImage: use accent for buttons El Dainosor * frameworks/opt/net/wifi * 1cbc121 Passpoint Remove R2 broadcasts Hai Shalom 2020-09-10 * external/selinux * 8c1c527 Don't require seinfo for privapps Ashwini Oruganti * external/sonivox * 536a5d4 Check data consistency in mdls parsing Harish Mahendrakar * frameworks/av * 7591f7c mediaplayerservice: alleviate a/v sync issue at starting Jiajia Cong * frameworks/base * f8d06a4 PocketLock: fix flickering on animations jhenrique09 * frameworks/native * 0442aad Call Layer::getLayerDebugInfo from the main thread Vishnu Nair * frameworks/opt/telephony * 799aaff Add package checking with Uid in EuiccController#getEid Shuo Qian * packages/apps/Bluetooth * 14bcd95 SAP: Ensure pending intent is immutable Chienyuan * packages/apps/Contacts * 6a3e645 Correct vulnerability when setting pending intents on import/export notifications by setting FLAG_IMMUTABLE John Shao * packages/apps/Etar * f239068 Automatic translation import Michael Bestas * packages/apps/PermissionController * 8d100ac DO NOT MERGE Use permission group definintion if defined in PermissionController Evan Severson * packages/apps/Settings * 9d561f3 Remove useless png and add vector drawable Raff Tsai * packages/apps/SyberiaSettings * f290574 Automatic translation import DennySPb * packages/providers/DownloadProvider * f076b46 Switch from deprecated/removed JobInfo method. Kweku Adams * packages/services/Telephony * da86c24 Use PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE in PendingIntent in NotificationMgr Shuo Qian * system/bt * 150582c Fix possible OOB when receive gatt read type response data weichinweng * system/core * c29df56 libutils: check vsnprintf error Steven Moreland * system/sepolicy * 68f3f17 Don't give uid-based categories to app_zygote and isolated processes. Martijn Coenen * vendor/qcom/opensource/commonsys/packages/apps/Bluetooth * 5de8821 SAP: Ensure pending intent is immutable Chienyuan * vendor/syberia * 29f2fea Update google prebuilts and drop unused DennySPb 2020-09-09 * external/motorola/faceunlock * f3fb331 Automatic translation import jhenrique09 2020-09-08 * packages/apps/Nfc * b36c19e Avoid NFC continuous crash Maoliang Tang * system/netd * d5f9bc4 netd: Support wildcards in cached hosts file Tom Marshall 2020-09-07 2020-09-06
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