2022-04-17 * bootable/recovery 10443bc updater: Don't fail when trying to run set_metadata jhenrique09 6febe4e Fully remove downgrade/verify checks for A/B Magicxavi c9aecd0 Revert "recovery: Remove the "Format system partition" menu on A/B devices" Richard Hansen 2022-04-16 * frameworks/base 24516d5 udfps Magicxavi fa171a6 Add show|hide udfps view callbacks to IBiometricsFingerprint@2.3 1/2 SagarMakhar 941f672 SQUASH base: introduce app lock 1/4 jhonboy121 df00eb8 Fixup VolumePanel: more fixes from LOS DennySPb b086c17 PixelProps: Restore our 12.0 version DennySPb 050c23b Columbus/SyberiaSystemUI: Make crosshatch is default model DennySPb d1e3aff media: fix ImageReader to handle P010 images Wonsik Kim defe2b4 Bad lock object. Kai Peng 27c7682 Fix for run cts-on-gsi -m CtsOsTestCases -t android.os.cts.VibratorTest hupengcheng 6d8850b Fix cts test failure of EnsureBarContrastTest shawnlin a895744 Dont throw exception if admin is null Ayush Sharma 4eed2bc Add keylayout mapping for Xbox360 compatible controllers. tingting.jiang 531d645 SystemUI: Whitelist new priv-app permissions Pranav Vashi 514ef2b SQUASH SystemUI: fix qs tiles init on split notification shade open maxwen 55b8920 Catch IllegalArgumentException for invalid phone id Wileen Chiu 293135c Fix Wakelock issue Alberto Ponces d09f152 Don't update OverScroller fling state if improper time passed Jun Wang 9ac4409 SQLite: Do integrity_check only once yi.jang af707f7 DisplayPowerController: Fix incall proximity not turning off display sooti d285306 AlarmManagerService: null check the alarm operation William Bellavance 9f7ce0f Catch SQLiteFullException in AccountManagerService huyuxin 9a2b6e1 unregister FileCleanupReceiver when disableHistory hongyang.dong cada732 Close the FileStream to avoid resource leak Naga Venkata Durga Ashok Mutyala 1329cc7 SystemUI: Face Unlock animation Dil3mm4 7c16493 fwb: Bugfix Fix the issue of transition animation splash screen in split screen mode. Cheng Shi c6a3dd2 SystemUI: Make the volume dialog expandable Arian f644714 VolumeDialogImpl: Respect multiple visible rows in landscape Arian 1cf20e7 VolumeDialogImpl: Don't hide the default stream when adjusting the music stream Arian 2e96502 fwb: Bring in the new icon Asher Simonds b072e6e charging: Allow using vibration without sounds xyyx 6476145 SystemUI/Syberia: Update Google assets to 12L Anay Wadhera * hardware/interfaces a985071 Add show|hide udfps view callbacks to IBiometricsFingerprint@2.3 2/2 SagarMakhar * packages/apps/GamingMode f0da0da Revert "Revert "GamingMode: don't show notification overlay for secure notifications"" DennySPb * packages/apps/Launcher3 5eecc8d Launcher3: Add restart action for toggling settings hundeva cb56f15 Launcher3: Add Google Lens scan button to recents Suphon Thanakornpakapong e33cbdb Launcher3: Skip suggestions on twoline labels George Zacharia 9d43a6d IconPlatte: Don't crash when the app gives us an invalid color Ido Ben-Hur 74c352d Quickstep: fix NPE with swipe down Ali B e5b546f Launcher3: Re-enable header protection Danny Lin ead6052 Use existing StatusBarTouchController to handle swipe down Suphon Thanakornpakapong 1e7521a Launcher3: Use same corner radius dimens for searchboxes maxwen 65ef514 NavbarButtonsViewController: Support navbar layout inversion Bruno Martins 0ed9cad Enable crossfade when changing theme Danny Lin 43385d6 Update search icon to match Settings Michael Bestas 74133f0 Fix search bar UI in All Apps Michael Bestas 3b4c6b1 Improve search bar UI in All Apps Danny Lin 10a1da9 Fix header protection height calculation Danny Lin 73ff9ce Workspace: Allow resizing any widget Nebojsa Cvetkovic cc67e89 Launcher3: Fix layout for apps fast scroller Pranav Vashi 8bda14d Launcher3: Use standard launcher method for uninstalling Pranav Vashi 1b85ac2 Launcher3: Fix NPE in SystemShortcut Pranav Vashi f891abf Launcher3: Add uninstall button to system shortcuts Ali B aa38145 Launcher3: Use custom LocalColorExtractor implementation Danny Lin 807b65b Launcher3: Adapt home settings UI to Android 12 style Adithya R fd535d6 Launcher3: Fix icon palette crashes Pranav Vashi 43f1fd9 Launcher3: Stability NullPointer issue yingrenw c93a82a Launcher3: Use app opening animation for notification opening Amir Zaidi 8b71aa2 Launcher3: show clear all button in recents overview jhonboy121 * packages/apps/Settings 07a222e AppLock: Make timeout strings translatable DennySPb e5ae5e5 Settings: Remove divider from Battery Manager Akash Srivastava a6e0302 Settings: Fix NPE when launching accessibility settings from GMS SUW Alessandro Astone d63466f Settings: Accessibility wants fullscreen, too! Michael W 8677927 Settings: Fixup start padding for battery usage graph Adithya R f3cca8c Settings: complete the AvatarViewMixin implementation jhonboy121 69b9032 Settings: align user avatar with homepage title jhonboy121 a61655d Settings: fix edit menu icon tints jhonboy121 6158978 Settings: introduce app lock 3/4 jhonboy121 06d6012 Revert "Revert "Revert "Update animation for fingerprint edu page""" xyyx * packages/apps/SyberiaSettings 65d2f16 Lockscreen: Use AOSP switch for forcing small clocks DennySPb 7585dc4 Fix media art key and comment out blur options DennySPb f6436e9 Re-add incall vibration options DennySPb c7701c1 Import BasePreferenceController and DashboardFragment from Krypton jhonboy121 * packages/services/Telecomm 1fa9ea3 CallLog: Get rid of warning Michael W 3cbe1e6 Telecomm: Squashed phone_type switch support Bruno Martins 437ae36 Filter self managed phone accounts out when finding emergency accts. Tyler Gunn 4f220e5 Fix few issues with Blink with call Pranav Vashi fb1f9cd Incall vibration options 2/3 beanstown106 11816fc Telecomm: Add a null check to custom ring vibration Ido Ben-Hur bdd32f4 Telecomm: Allow choosing a custom vibration pattern 2/3 Ido Ben-Hur 5234748 Telecomm: Add vibration patterns from OOS 2/3 rituj * vendor/syberia 9370f69 Revert "Revert "overlay: SystemUI: Switch to Syberia vendor service"" DennySPb 2022-04-15 * device/syberia/sepolicy 1000309 sepolicy: introduce app lock 2/4 jhonboy121 2022-04-14 * frameworks/av 05a4059 stagefright: error handling during file size limit set Malathi Gottam a88d5e9 libmediaplayerservice: Explicitly force callbacks to stop running Jaideep Sharma 9b90054 Increase max dimensions for mpeg4 decoder in media_codecs_sw.xml Uma Mehta 308de1d Select low latency path during voice call for voice stream Ramjee Singh 87da013 Fix -Wbitwise-instead-of-logical Pirama Arumuga Nainar 51488f1 GraphicBufferSource: Enable timestamp snapping in timelapse mode Shrikara B 75edf07 libstagefright: Allow HFR-60 in HAL-3 recording Manikanta Kanamarlapudi 80573b1 libaudioclient: fix deadlock during apm initialization Weiyin Jiang 628dce2 aaudio: set primary flag for AAUDIO_PERFORMANCE_MODE_NONE yidongh 5e416ad Add NULL check to popFromStashAndRegister. Chris Gross 1dbc4dd CCodec: Fix null check Greg Kaiser e045b55 codec2: Avoid invalid access to output format while print Brijesh Patel b6cc48e codec2: add smoothfactor when checking n-th work Jiajia Cong 565ab2b CCodec: fix handling buffers in extra slots Wonsik Kim d4fef90 CCodec: FrameReassembler to accept 0-size frames Wonsik Kim df894c5 CCodec: convert audio decoder output PCM format Wonsik Kim b865c1d Codec2: Detect and release component if the client process terminates Praveen Chavan 4d60cf2 C2SoftDec: Align stride to 128 for avc, hevc and mpeg2 decoders Harish Mahendrakar 6232bcd audiopolicy: engineconfigurable: prevent illegal map access Francois Gaffie 0855f1e Fix logic error in SkipCutBuffer.cpp xiahong.bao 708bf0a audioflinger: fix missing track metadata Eric Laurent f9beafe Duration field is 64 bits Fang Hui 8e37c7a audio: Fix AudioTrack stuck while interrupting waitStreamEndDone Kuowei Li a4d874f codec2: a workaround to solve backward compatibility issue Jiajia Cong 57b776a libstagefright: Configure camcorder encoder session with "CONFIGURE_FLAG_USE_BLOCK_MODEL" flag Gaviraju Doddabettahalli Bettegowda 45a9cea MediaMetrics: fix error for compiler update Yabin Cui ed55429 Suppress ordered-compare-function-pointers warning Yi Kong 58c238d Track elapsed time for 'waitStreamEnd' timeout Matthew Bouyack 42dad6a C2 decoders: Workaround for cases where RGBA1010102 isn't supported Harish Mahendrakar ecd49e3 stagefright: ACodec: Resolve empty vendor parameters usage Adrian DC 789e2b1 Camera: Avoid roundBufferDimensionsNearest for AIDE2 YUV streams Pavan Kumar Mc b9865ab Camera: Flush Improvements - Result drain optimization Susmitha Gummalla c53b470 Codec2: optimize plane copy for formats with depth > 8 Praveen Chavan * frameworks/base d6a2433 SystemUI: Fix FeatureFlags imports Anay Wadhera 12f6640 SystemUI: Fix CalledFromWrongThread exceptions jhenrique09 9365532 SystemUI: Port elmyra (squeeze) from SQ1D jhenrique09 2922636 EdgeBackGesture: Remove assistant action DennySPb 3390b80 SystemUI: Port columbus (quick tap) from SQ1D jhenrique09 * frameworks/native 0db4fea swapchain: Fix SHARED presentation modes Ian Elliott 0949d4d GLConsumer: add HW_TEXTURE usage when create texture SOOJONG HWANG * frameworks/opt/telephony 563844f UiccSlot: Validate hotswap restart prompt component properly LuK1337 95d2492 Restore support with RadioConfig@1.0 dsds clients. Quallenauge e9c5bf2 Release wakelock if setRadioCapability is not supported Sooraj Sasindran 0d2206c Update external card state based on current app Wileen Chiu * packages/apps/Launcher3 8c21d96 Add ripple animation to task menu items Danny Lin 81eb149 LocalColorExtractor: Adapt for Android 12L Danny Lin e69a2e8 LocalColorExtractor: Disable local colors when using system presets Danny Lin 0c3dd65 Implement LocalColorExtractor using colorkt-based theme engine Danny Lin 00252d2 Launcher3: Use regular body font for app labels Adithya R * packages/apps/Settings 141278a Settings: Add missing icons in Network and Internet Adithya R 31009f8 Settings: Move Device Model to the top of Device Info Fabian Leuteneegger a1ad7fa Settings: Move Android Version to General Info Fabian Leuteneegger 163b2b4 Settings: Move IMEI information to SIM status Chris * packages/services/Telephony 9164c8a Telephony: Bring in the new icon Asher Simonds b9887a4 Telephony: Add ERI configuration for U.S. Cellular Arne Coucheron 7dc6bc9 Fix crash in SubscriptionInfoHelper for null display name. Tyler Gunn 0f0b78f Telephony: use Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL to check for system update maxwen cabb49e Telephony: Mark enhanced_4g_lte_mode_title_variant as untranslatable Michael Bestas a4bc758 Telephony: adaptive icon Asher Simonds 2ef3fae Removing dead code from Telephony which uses wakelock. Tyler Gunn * vendor/google/pixel 7531c7e Revert "Revert "pixel: Add quick_tap feature sysconfig"" DennySPb 2022-04-13 2022-04-12 2022-04-11
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