▪️GMS variant (https://sourceforge.net/projects/alphadroid-project/files/sweet/AlphaDroid-13.0-20230518-sweet-full_gapps-v1.5.1.zip/download)
▪️Vanilla variant (https://sourceforge.net/projects/alphadroid-project/files/sweet/AlphaDroid-13.0-20230519-sweet-vanilla-v1.5.1.zip/download)
• @unmoved21 for all
• @IvanGE90 for testing and support
• A clean installation is recommended
• NikGapps is the recommended GMS package for vanilla builds
• CTS passes by default
• No Need any Firmware
-- UPDATE -- 19-05-2023 --
AlphaDroid 1.5.1 changelog:
* Synced with crDroid sources
* New bootanimation with 720p/1080p options
* Statusbar clock background chip styles
* Conditionally force enable LTE_CA
* UDFPS: conditionally enable optimal refresh rate (it hurts UDFPS performance on some devices)
* Fixed Smart Cutoff
* Integrate and Enable Pixel features capabilities
* Update GAPPS packages and logic
* Integrated Storage Scopes
* Integrated GMS Compat
* Dropped GMS switch for compatibility reasons
* Integrated special runtime permissions
* Option to control OTHER_SENSORS permission
* Option to set internet permission during package install process
* Option to control access to Android/obb directory
* Bring back combined signal icons
* Brightness slider styles
* Misc fixes and optimizations
Highlights & Device Specific Changes: Build type: Monthly Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note10 Pro Device maintainer: JYR_RC ==================== 19-05-2023 ==================== ******ALPHADROID VERSION 1.5.1 ANDROID 13****** Build Gapps Build Vanilla Latest Vantom Kernel LA.UM.9.1.r1-13500-SMxxx0.QSSI13.0 4.14.314 Support In8000 Support OTG Leica Camera its Default GLNRALR_4.7.230127.0 Fixed ALL MODES Replaced dialer google by dialer aosp In build Gapps Call recording support Rebased Spatial Audio Codecs Update Dirac-Sound Update LiveDisplay Update HALS media/audio Added Support AMl Audio Concert OrangeFox Recovery Recommended. Clean install is recommended. Recommended Nikgapps in vanilla build. Credits: @franlop77 For tree and help. @Vantom For Kernel Source. @unmoved21 My brother. @IvanGE90 For testing And Support. @HelmSweet For Testing.
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