Changelog for Xtended XT-v7.0 A13 Build -:
* Bump up release version to v7.0 * Updated to May 2023 security patches (android-13.0.0_r43) * Fixed Unlimited Google photos * Fixed 90Fps in few games * Fixed FOD animation not working on resolution change * Added QS header image * Added preferred network tile * Added Long click settings icon to Xtensions on QS footer * Improved QS tiles dimensions * Added glass blur effect on QS panel * Added systemUI restart api * Added LS clock size configuration * Added LS clock color configuration * Added screen off FOD * Added toggle to unlink ringtone & notification volume * Added LS bottom shortcut * Added configurable sensor block per package * Added toggle for floating rotation button * Added statusbar clock background chip * Added Android P animation * Added brightness slider styles * Added signature spoofing * Move blur toggle to Settings > Display * Fixed blurry recent issue in some cases * Added shake to clear recent * Added Vibrate on double tap to sleep * Added more FOD icons & animations * And many other improvementsPlease do share your reviews and feedback HERE.
Download ROM :- Release XT-v7.0
Did you like the project? Show your support by donating through Paypal and through UPI (for India Only):- mks22584@okicici
Best Regards Team-Xtended
• May Patch.
• Non-Erofs.
• Gapps Build.
• OSS vendor based.
• Use MIUI 14 firmware according to your region.
• Oneplus Dolby Included.
• MIUI default Camera (Not leica).
• Default Kernel Vantoman.
• Check support group for screenshots.
• Dirty flashable from v6.0 (if faced any issues clean flash)
• Use latest Orange fox Recovery to flash: Here
Device Changelog:
- Fixed HDR on Netflix
- Removed Some Duplicate Props
- Used Some Audio Configs from MIUI 13
- Disabled NearbyMessagesService & DiscoveryService Overlay
- Fixed carrier video call (use google dialer)
- Updated Adreno blobs to LA.UM.9.14.r1-21000-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0
- Updated Gps Blobs to LA.UM.9.1.r1-12900-SMxxx0.0
- Updated CarrierConfig from LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-08600-qssi.0
- Updated DPM, IMS, and RIL system blobs from LA.QSSI.13.0.r1-08600-qssi.0
- Import missing blobs
- Fixup wpa supplicant service init
- init: Don't mount TraceFS twice.
- Fixed some lags
- Fixed refresh rate issue
@Vantom (for kt)❤️
@Shakil29, @Simons1920, @virtualord (for testing)❤️
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