-Build Gapps
-Miuicamera default.
-Aghisna r14 version
-Miuicamera update from MIUI V14.0.2.0.TKFMIXM
-Update aghisna r14 on 8000 LA.UM.9.1.r1-13500-SMxxx0.QSSI13.0
-May Security patch
-Dolby Atmos op10 included
-Update clang 17
-Tweaks wifi and bluetooth
-Refresh Rate In Devicessetings.
-Refresh Rate Profiles.
-Attenuation CC.
-Thermal Profiles.
-Sound Hi-fi.
-Clear Speaker.
@nutelladevMay 17, 2023- Merge May Security patch (android-13.0.0_r43) - Add more clock bg chip styles - Align keyguard carrier text with status bar - Add Gradicons and NothingDot signal & wifi icons - Sync DesktopMode with Lmodroid upstream - Settings: Hide navbar tuner if gesture nav enabled - DerpLauncher: Animate workspace on pages without smartpace visible - DerpLauncher: Prevent adb installed apps from showing up as system app - DerpLauncher: Add back support for multiple work profile badge colors - DerpLauncher: Code improvements for icon pack implementation - DerpLauncher: Allow to open the icon pack's app by clicking the gear icon - WallpaperPicker: Add fit strategy chooser (incl. high quality) - Sync Aperture with Lineage upstream