• ROM uses OSS Vendor and Bool-X kernel
• Flash A11 firmware for your region.
• Recommended Recovery - Official
• Rom is decrypted by default so no need to flash dfe. Users who want to stay encrypted can flash efe (https://sourceforge.net/projects/voltage-os/files/raphael/DFE%2BEFE/Enable_A13_Force_Encryption_by_%40PptOo7.zip/download) to enable the encryption.
• Flash Guide in Device Changelog
Support group (https://t.me/ralf979street) | ROM https://t.me/BlackIronProject
# Blk-Iron_Features V3.0 - Black Iron Settings - Advanced restart (with System UI restart) - Applock - Black theme - Brightness slider coustomizations - ButtonsCustomizations - Disable power menu on lockscreen - Double tap pulse notification - Enable on-screen navigation bar - Fingerprint vibration toggle - Fonts Customizations - Game space - Gesture indicator - Haptic feedback for gesture - Icon Pack - Icon Shape - Ignore windows secure flags - Lockscreen charging info - Lockscreen clock font - Lockscreen Double tap to wake - Lockscreen shortcuts - Long press power button customizations - Media cover art - Network traffic monitor - Per-app volume control - Pixel Battery usage chart toogle - Power button end call - Pulse - QS tiles layout - Quick pulldown - Quick Torch - Radio Info - ReTicker - Ripple effect toggle - Screen off UDFPS - Signal icon style - Statusbar 4g/lte - Statusbar Battery customizations - Statusbar Clock customizations - Statusbar Colored icon - Statusbar Notification count - Statusbar Old mobile indicator - Statusbar Privacy indicator - Statusbar System icon Hide/Show - Statusbar Tap to sleep - Statusbar Wifi type icon - System Navigation Compact Layout - System Navigation Customizations - System Navigation Invert layout - UDFPS animation effect - UDFPS Custom Icon - UDFPS icon picker - Vibrate to indicate call status - Wake on plug - Wallpaper and style Customizations - Wifi icon style
# Raphael Device Changelog 17/05/2023 - Initial Release #Flash instructions 🚦 Before flashing any rom, make a backup of your persist! and your data !!! 🚥 based on O.S.S. vendor and Bool-X Kernel (A11 Firmware) Recommended Recovery - Orang FOX Official Rom is decrypted by default so no need to flash dfe. Users who want to stay encrypted can flash efe by @PptOo7 to enable the encryption Clean Flash - Back up all your data - Flash Recommended Recovery - Wipe Cache - Dalvik - System - Data - Vendor - Flash latest firmware required by ROM - Flash Rom - reboot system Dirty Flash - Back up all your data - Wipe Cache - Dalvik - Flash Rom - reboot system #BLKI
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