Changelog v4.8 06/05/2023🎉🎉🎉
- May security patch merged in source rom
- QS Styles improved
- Replaced lockscreen icons with two-tone icons
- Added Statusbar clock background chip styles
- pocket mode: Update style to latest OOS specs
- Fixed blur intensity in lockscreen
- PixelPropsUtils: Spoof ROG Phone 3 for FIFA Mobile
- Fixed google restore thanks @EvolutionX
- Improved QS notification expansion animation
- Improved the system
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Changelog for Cherish 4.8
May 09, 2023
"juice: Drop adapt DT2W extension to AOSPA power HAL.",
"juice: bringup CherishOS.",
"juice: overlay: CarrierConfig: Make WiFi Calling preference editable for Jio (India)",
"juice: overlay: CarrierConfig: Allow VoLTE and VoWiFi/WFC by default",
"juice: overlay: CarrierConfig: Only allow 5G SA on Jio",
"juice: overlay: CarrierConfig: Use 4G For LTE",
"juice: overlay: CarrierConfig: Enable voLTE/voWIFI/ViLTE for entire 460 mcc",
"juice: overlay: CarrierConfig: Enable VoLTE/VoWIFI for 404 and 405 mcc",
"juice: Import CarrierConfig overlay from device/qcom/common",
"juice: Build charger_res_images",
"juice: Enable zygote unspecialized app process pool",
"juice: overlay: Suffix `Overlay` to all RRO packages",
"juice: media: Revert 32a328b5 and 3fb072455.",
"juice: Revert "Switch to qseecomd component"",
"juice: Commonize `ro.config.media_vol_steps`.",
"juice: Import board-info.",
"juice: Commonize `ro.charger.enable_suspend`.",
"juice: media: Include media_codecs audio",
"juice: media: Import media_codecs.xml from LA.UM.9.15.r1-07200-KAMORTA.QSSI12.0",
"juice: audio: Drop 24 and 32 bit recording support",
"juice: props: Extend audio offload buffer size to 256kb",
"juice: props: Set lmk stall_limit_critical threshold",
"juice: props: Adjust lmkd kill timeout",
"juice: props: Add filecache_min_kb tuning for lmkd",
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