• Clean Flash is required !!!
• May Security Patch
• SafetyNet passed
• Vanilla & Gapps build
• FW already included
• ANX/MIUICamera is included
• Let the ROM settle. It will be smooth after sometime.
• Your donations would be only used towards my server charges
Known bugs:
• find and let me know
• @madmax7896 for base tree
• @NotZeetaa for base kernel
• @Aryaman895 for miuicamera
• Thanks to all of my testers
## Note !! - 1. Firmware is built-in 2. Clean Flash is compulsory if coming from any version of MIUI or any other custom ROM. ## Instructions to flash using adb - 1. Have unlocked bootloader 2. adb reboot fastboot 3. fastboot flash boot boot.img 4. fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img 5. fastboot reboot recovery 6. Click on "Factory Reset" on Recovery because you are changing rom 7. Click on "Apply Update" 8. Type "adb sideload LineageOS-x.x_munch-xx.0-xxxxxxx-xxxx-UNOFFICIAL.zip" in you cli 9. now reboot ## Instructions to update for existing users - 1. adb reboot fastboot 2. fastboot reboot recovery 3. Click on "Apply Update" 4. Type "adb sideload LineageOS-x.x_munch-xx.x-xxxxxxx-xxxx-UNOFFICIAL.zip" in you cli 5. Now reboot ## Instructions to flash using twrp/ofox - 1. Have unlocked bootloader 2. Reboot to ofox/twrp 3. Flash rom 4. Format data 5. Now reboot ## Downloads - https://github.com/Vincent4440/LineageOS_Munch_Releases/releases ## Donate - <a href="https://www.paypal.me/vinc3ntexe/"><img src="blue.svg" height="40"></a> If you enjoyed this project — or just feeling generous, consider buying me a coffee ☕
- May security patch
- Rebased to new tree - https://github.com/LOS-Munch/android_device_xiaomi_munch
- Include miui/anx camera
- Added jio 5g support
- Allow VoLTE and VoWiFi/WFC by default
- Add hbm support
- fixed recovery & camera viewfinder lags :)
- kernel & source upstreams
Note - As i changed the device tree, you'll have to clean flash
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