▪️Download :
• Legacy : Gapps (https://sourceforge.net/projects/alarabisrom/files/Raphael/RisingOs/Legacy/risingOS-v1.0-Atlantis-202305040910-raphael-GAPPS-COMMUNITY%28Legacy%29.zip/download)
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/alarabisrom/files/Raphael/RisingOs/risingOS-v1.0-Atlantis-202305031843-raphael-VANILLA-COMMUNITY.zip/download) Dynamic : Gapps (https://sourceforge.net/projects/alarabisrom/files/Raphael/RisingOs/Dynamic/risingOS-v1.0-Atlantis-202305041655-raphael-GAPPS-COMMUNITY%28Dynamic%29.zip/download)
Notes :
• The ROM is based on OSS vendor and latest Soviet kernel
• ROM comes with legacy (normal) and Dynamic partitions
• Dynamic build is fbev2 by default and erofs, read instructions (https://telegra.ph/Dynamic-partition-ROM-flashing-Guide-for-Redmi-k20-proMi-9T-pro-05-04)
• Legacy (normal) build is fbve1 build decrypted by default , encrypted users can use official ofox recovery
•Credits : Here (https://telegra.ph/Credit-05-04-6)
Support : Group (https://t.me/genhodee) | Channel (https://t.me/Al_Arabis_Stuffs)
Instructions dynamic : Here (https://telegra.ph/Dynamic-partition-ROM-flashing-Guide-for-Redmi-k20-proMi-9T-pro-05-04)
Device Changelog:
-fixed portrait crash in leica cam
-fixed NFC
-fixed scrolling issues
-fixed mic issues in apps like whatsapp
-Dolby included
-latest leica cam added
-KSU supported by default
-synced latest source
-reverted Clo boostfwb
-import cggroup tuning from gs101
-give adbd sys_admin access
-disabled qdcm display factory mode
-set display mode to DCI-P3
-disabled sf EGL tracking
-build aosp version of android.hardware. thermal 2.0
-optimized everything in preopt
-build service tracker @1.2 vendor variant
-many more under the hood changes not worth to mention here
==================== 04-17-2023 ==================== * android_bionic - bionic: use jemalloc by default and allow opt-in to scudo (3/3) [Juhyung Park] - Switch to jemalloc memory allocator [Danny Lin] - Revert "Add ability to build scudo-free 32-bit libc variant." [minaripenguin] - fixup! Verify that allocated memory is always zeroed. [Christopher Ferris] * android_bootable_recovery - recovery: Only warn on SPL downgrade [Pranav Vashi] - recovery: Skip verifying packages altogether [Pranav Vashi] * android_build - build: Add ANSI name and build info [neobuddy89] - build: make: use jemalloc by default and allow opt-in to scudo (1/3) [Juhyung Park] * android_build_soong - build: soong: use jemalloc by default and allow opt-in to scudo (2/3) [Juhyung Park] - Revert "Add ability to enable scudo-free 32-bit libc variant." [minaripenguin] - UI: Add RisingOS banner variables [minaripenguin] * android_frameworks_base - Fix potential race condition problem [tysonwei] - BatteryStatsImpl: Avoid dividing by 0.0 in updateWifiState. [Shumao Hou] - udfps: framework_dimming: No need to return newDimAmount [Nishant Kumar] - udfps: Implement framework dimming support [cjybyjk] - SystemUI: Add QS Page Custom Transition Animations [1/2] Signed-off-by: ariffjenong <arifbuditantodablekk@gmail.com> [ariffjenong] - SystemUI: VolumeDialog: add support for unlinked ringer streams [Tobias Merkel] - PixelPropsUtils: Bump Fingerprints for TQ2A [minaripenguin] - QS: Add Sound tile [Yoshinori Hirano] - SystemUI: Cleanup hide ime space feature [minaripenguin] - [DNM][HACK] telephony: Force Class 0 SMS to Class 1 [Adithya R] - Turn off carrier provisioning by default to allow tethering [Dave Daynard] - SystemUI: flags: Enable new output switcher [aswin7469] - SystemUI: flags: Enable media player wave/shimmering effects [aswin7469] - base: Remove more hardcoded fonts [Pranav Vashi] - services: Optimize Memory management during startup [minaripenguin] - services: Add a system property for linearmotor service [minaripenguin] - base: Add mock oplus LinearmotorVibratorService [cjh1249131356] - SystemUI: Show volume percent for rice volume style [minaripenguin] - ViewRootImpl: Set max fling ticks per sec to 24 [Simao Gomes Viana] - core: Seperate fling velocity configuration for gesture recognition and Views [minaripenguin] - ViewConfiguration: Update fling velocity for modern devices [minaripenguin] - base: Set scrolling friction to 0.006f [Jake Weinstein] - ViewConfiguration: Set scroll friction to 0.012 [Alex Naidis] - Fixes crash (race cond) when destroyActivity. [katao] - Fix com.android.server.wm.TaskFpsCallbackController#unregisterListener method NEVER works [Rikka] - PixelPropsUtils: Completely spoof as walleye for snapchat [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Align the qs carrier text to its gravity bias [minaripenguin] - Add a suspension check to SuspendedAppActivity [Jeongsik Mun] - SystemUI: QS customizations settings [1/2] [maxwen] - Battery Styles: Added 9 more battery styles [1/2] [R15Hi] - BatteryMeterView: Move null check to the beginning of the method. [spezi77] - Battery Styles: Allow setting percent view on left [1/2] [703joko] - Battery Styles: Introduce Battery Landscape [1/2] [703joko] - Battery Styles: More clean up [Pranav Vashi] - Battery Styles: Fix signal icon padding with Hidden style [Ezio Lacandia Bijelkic] - Battery Styles: Show a bolt ⚡ when charging [ezio84] - Battery Styles: Introduce full circle battery style [Christian Oder] - Battery Styles: Readd dotted Circle to Kotlin impl [Christian Oder] - Battery Styles: Clean up for more customizations [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Refactor brightness slider paddings [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Clean up and fix QQS Brightness slider padding [timjosten] - Brightness slider: Fix issues with media mode [Pranav Vashi] - Bring back QQS brightness slider [Pranav Vashi] - Revert "Remove QQS brightness controller" [Mayur] - Allow tuning position for brightness slider [maxwen] - SurfaceTexture: add setConsumerCanWait() [Tomislav Novak] - Fix the fixedApp error when entering pip mode [buwenjing] - Add api to toggle flashlight and check if device has flashlight [ezio84] - SystemUI: Combined signal icons toggle [1/2] [minaripenguin] - SettingsLib: Restore WIFI_CALL_STRENGTH_ICONS [someone5678] - Revert "Revert^2 "Remove support for COMBINED_SIGNAL_ICONS"" [Jason Edson] - SystemUI: Properly align text elements based on its gravity bias [minaripenguin] - Revert "Add an option to force pre-O apps to use full screen aspect ratio" [minaripenguin] - settings: Add URI for dashboard styles [minaripenguin] - base: Add rounded corners to activity open/close animation [paphonb] - SystemUI: Blurs: allow blur even when GFX acceleration is disabled [Pulkit077] - core: Avoid using accelerated graphics by default [minaripenguin] - core: Enable limited alpha composting by default [minaripenguin] - core: Downscale Task snapshots to 65% [minaripenguin] - core: Fix qs app notification size [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Fix inconsistent secondary label text size [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Calculate paged QS tiles height properly [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Fix QS customizer corner radius [Pranav Vashi] - BrightnessSlider: move brightness slider icon to the left [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Volume styles [1/2] [minaripenguin37] - SystemUI: QS Header Image: Apply white filter for light theme [minaripenguin] - [Audio][Bugfix]Fix the problem that the initial the volume of headphones does not match the volume of mobile phones in commuication [yaoliang1] - refactor pre-rendering feature for BLASTBufferQueue [Jun Wang] - Reduce redundant calls of frame interval update [Jun Wang] - Update frame interval when refresh rate changes [Jun Wang] - BoostFramework: Add some missing parts for scroll optimizer [DennySPb] - avoid duplicate doFrame calls. [binzhang] - make ui touch optimization work normally. [binzhang] - add VSYNC scheduled flag and avoid two doFrame calls in one period [binzhang] - core: touch response optimizations [zfu] - fix[Audio]:Using ReleaseStringUTFChars to release char pointer memory here will result in an exception that cannot be released, causing the system server process to crash [wei wang] - LayoutInflater: Opportunistically create views directly for performance [Danny Lin] - SystemServiceRegistry: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance [Danny Lin] - InsetsStateController: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance [Danny Lin] - LocalServices: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance [Danny Lin] - ThemedResourceCache: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance [Danny Lin] - Trace: Disable debug tracing on production builds [Danny Lin] - core: Introduce Rising System Manager [1/2] [minaripenguin] - Fix the problem of slow exit of boot animation [niuwenchao] - SystemUI: Keyguard Preview: Handle the interrupted thread [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: keyguard: preview: Catch InterruptedException [SamarV-121] - SystemUI: Weather service cleanup and improvements [minaripenguin] - Remove WRITE_SETTINGS permission check from AudioManager getter APIs [Hari Raj Vijayakumar] - Do not preload java.util.ImmutableCollections. [Almaz Mingaleev] - Do not preload ThreadLocalRandom class. [Almaz Mingaleev] - SettingsProvider: Force disable PlayServices OTA checks [ezio84] - SystemUI: Limit keyguard charging stats updates [xNombre] - Remove UPDATED_SYSTEM_APP from updated system apps no longer exist [Jeongsik Mun] - base: Introduce Built-in SystemManager [Dil3mm4] - services: Add our system apps to parallelspace blocklist [minaripenguin] - CarrierConfigManager: Enable VoNR by default [johnmart19] - Cleanup 'Update battery info every second when device is charging' [Pranav Vashi] - Make overlay for 'Update battery info every second when device is charging' [ShevT] - Update battery info every second when device is charging [SagarMakhar] - fixup! SystemUI: Export RecordingService for External Usage [Pranav Vashi] - services: Memory optimizations [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Implement pixel's qs footer design [minaripenguin] - ActivityThread: Prevent a NPE caused by null configuration [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Remove colorSurfaceHeader dependency from framework [jhenrique09] - SystemUI: Override colorPrimary/colorSecondary colors for QS text/icons [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Optional colored qs notification icon [1/2] [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Refactor colored statusbar icons [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Refactor notification counter [jhonboy121] - SystemUI: Show infinity for large notification counts [d34d] - SystemUI: Forward-port notification counters [1/2] [Steve Kondik] - SystemUI: Make app icons in statusbar optional [1/2] [spkal01] - SystemUI: Media notification artwork fade and blur filter [1/2] [minaripenguin] - ParallelSpace: Prevent system crash for blocking notification of blocked apps [Pranav Vashi] - HACK: telephony: Conditionally force enable LTE_CA [DarkJoker360] - AbsListView: Improve scrolling cache [Pawit Pornkitprasan] - SystemUI: Use better icon for camera keyguard affordance [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Enable camera & flashlight keyguard affordance [Adithya R] - Reduce ContrastColorUtil logspam [minaripenguin] - base: Allow choosing a custom vibration pattern [1/4] [Ido Ben-Hur] - base: Custom vibration pattern per notification channel [1/3] [Ido Ben-Hur] - base: Add vibration patterns from OOS [1/3] [rituj] - SystemUI: Rework OOS style notification clear all button [minaripenguin] - BrightnessUtils: Allow maintainer to set desired brightness curve impl [minaripenguin] - base: Fix brightness slider curve for some devices [SagarMakhar] - PulsingGestureListener: nit: Remove typo semicolon from imports [minaripenguin] - Fingerprints: Increase MAX_FAILED_ATTEMPTS [xyyx] - LockScreenCharging: Dynamically calculate charging current [minaripenguin] - Revert "Taller volume dialog slider on taller screens" [minaripenguin] - SettingsProvider: Fix for google backup and restore [PlayfulGod] - Fixed process can't start because of mPendingStart is true problem [Dezhi Huang] - SystemUI: QS Header Image [1/2] [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: use app icon instead of notification icon small [Dil3mm4] - SystenUI: Import qs header banners from ancientOS [Idc] - SystemUI: Make brightness mirror background transparent [minaripenguin] - Use originalView's context for appcompat's localNightMode support [hee youn] - SystemUI: Better QS detail clip animation [dongwan0605.kim] - CastTile: Fix availability of Cast Quick Setting Tile [Indranil] - SystemUI: Fix suspicious spaces around mobile icons [LibXZR] - SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement [BigBrother1984] - SettingsProvider: Handle WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG permission denial for gms [cjh1249131356] - SystemUI: Prevent OOB when reinflating QS panel with notifications [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Add missing init for isDeviceProvisioned in PhoneStatusBarPolicy [maxwen] - SystemUI: Show battery level for all devices [Ido Ben-Hur] - StatusBarIconController: Avoid crash due to incorrect casting [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Remove existing icon group if its overriding [Adithya R] - ColorContoller: Fix getting default accent color [varund7726] - fwb: SystemUI: Remove GarbageMonitor tile [jhenrique09] - base: Update some icons to MD2 [Anushek Prasal] - SystemUI: Remove excess margin in few statusbar icons [Adithya R] - Cellular tile: don't show disable confirmation dialog [xyyx] - Add absent sim info to locked screen text [Katsuyuki Hirayama] - SystemUI: Respect Statusbar left padding in keyguard carrier [timjosten] - SystemUI: BrightnessController: do not update slider from DisplayManager callback if user is changing brightness [jhonboy121] - [SQUASH] SystemUI: Revamp the QS Header [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Open Weather settings on long click [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Update QuickStatusBarHeader click actions [Ido Ben-Hur] - QuickStatusBarHeader: Add date & clock click actions [Ido Ben-Hur] - base: Bring in Weather service API [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Animate cutout padding for QS clock [Andy CrossGate Yan] - AOSP-Boostframework: QS fling animation boost [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Forward port QS fling animation boost to NotificationPanelV… [Jake Weinstein] - whitelist CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT for Dialer [Daniel Micay] - SystemUI: Charging animation improvements [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Add monet customization [1/2] [Pranav Vashi] - core: Optimize notification scaling/rendering [minaripenguin] - Do not crash webview if its group creation fails due to a dead process [Suren Baghdasaryan] - Treat process group creation failure due to a dead process as non-fatal [Suren Baghdasaryan] - Treat failure to create a process group as fatal [Suren Baghdasaryan] - AudioService: Unmute Le Audio devices when activated [Jakub Tyszkowski] - SystemUI: Fix a NPE when reinflating with QS data usage [minaripenguin] - KeyguardIndication: Fix glitchy charging info on AOD [Pranav Vashi] - LockscreenCharging: Add divisor current [dmd79] - LockscreenCharging: Calculate power from voltage and current [SagarMakhar] - SystemUI: keyguard show charging watt [maxwen] - SystemUI: Fix current formatting on lockscreen [Jens Lody] - KeyguardIndication: fix fc on lockscreen charging info [rohan] - Always make mouse cursor show on external display if it exists [nift4] - InputManager: allow to force NULL cursor [nift4] - InputManager: add cursor change listener [nift4] - Add back button for freeform window [utzcoz] - Only show pip button if activity supports it [utzcoz] - Add minimize & pip buttons to freeform windows [Jon West] - ConfigurationController: Prevent app crash on orientation change [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Reduce QS tile secondary label text size [minaripenguin] - Link dialog radius to config_dialogCornerRadius [Lucchetto] - base: fix list style alert dialog to use system font [maxwen] - core: Optimize system resources [minaripenguin] - Package installer: show current and new version on apk installation [ezio84] - Fix memory leak in GroupExpansionManager [hukaixiang] - audio: when index is change by safeMediaVolumeIndex, need to call bt. [chenxin20] - config: Enable QR scanner shortcut in lock screen [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Only apply tuning changes when the fragment is attached [LibXZR] - BatteryService: Add Turbo power charging support [jhenrique09] - BatteryService: Add VOOC charging support [karthick111] - BatteryService: Add Warp charging support [Anushek Prasal] - BatteryService: Add Dash charging support [thecrazyskull] - Lockscreen charging info: show decimal in battery temperature [Lucchetto] - LockscreenCharging: squashed (1/3) [xyyx] - PixelPropsUtils: Fix build fields for GMS props spoofing [minaripenguin] - SettingsLib: Update LTE+ icon as per new Silk design [Adithya] - SettingsLib: Update 4G+ icon to Silk design as well [TH779] - SystemUI: Improve statusbar mobile/wifi activity indicators [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Scale mobile data type icon with font size [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Improve statusbar mobile type icons padding [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery [Adithya R] - Disable FP lockouts [AndyCGYan] - Don't enable extra StrictMode features for userdebug builds [Sultan Alsawaf] - base: Use vector drawable for tab_selected_holo [maxwen] - services: fonts: use a simple sha512 hash based file verification system [jhonboy121] - FW: use rounded corners in system UI [Daniel Micay] - SystemUI: Grant READ_PHONE_STATE permission [Martin Bouchet] - base: notifications: set emphasized button bg to accentColor [maxwen] - SystemUI: More rounded corners [Lucchetto] - SystemUI: Improve QS notification expansion animation [minaripenguin] - base: get the most of the media artwork colors [El Dainosor] - core: Set default value for config_displayLightSensorType [jhenrique09] - CompanionDeviceManager: This uses the MANAGE_COMPANION_DEVICES permission [Sourajit Karmakar] - base: Force fullscreen for Google Dialer [cjh1249131356] - fwb: [1/2] Implement cutout force full screen [jhenrique09] - SystemUI: write initial value of SHOW_QR_CODE_SCANNER_SETTING on first call [maxwen] - bugfix: isServiceTokenValidLocked() was called without holding the lock [Dmitry Muhomor] - Fix viewing app info dashboard of hidden work app [Tommy Webb] - sounds: Bring back OOS touch and keypress effects [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: BatteryMeterView: Set white tint in darkmode [althafvly] - SystemUI: Center align status bar clock views [minaripenguin] - EdgeLight: Fix up applying custom color [Pranav Vashi] - Ambient Music Ticker - Allow to pulse on new tracks [1/2] [ezio84] - SystemUI: Notification clear all button styles [1/2] [spkal01] - [SQUASH] SystemUI: Implement burn-in protection for status/navbar [Park Ju Hyung] - SystemUI: Introduce OOS style notification clear all button [1/2] [00day0] - ScrimController: User Tuner API to apply custom alpha [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Transparent QS customization [spkal01] - CentralSurfacesImpl: Clean messy tuner API usage [Pranav Vashi] - CtsWindowManagerDeviceTestCases android.server.wm.KeyguardTests#testResumeDismissKeyguardActivityFromBackground --fail [bo.yan] - SystemUI: add edge light customizations [1/2] [jhonboy121] - Fix WifiInjector instance exception if WifiService disabled [Liu Zhen] - Replace LinkedList by a more performant collection [Nikolas Havrikov] - AppLock: Fix hidden apps reset after reboot [Pranav Vashi] - Doze-on-charge: Add few improvements [Pranav Vashi] - base: Allow locking tasks to recents [1/2] [SagarMakhar] - base: Add support for window ignore secure [LibXZR] - Reload navbar icons on changing style [1/2] [Pranav Vashi] - core: Import RisingOS bootanimation [minaripenguin] - Fix NPE in NetworkManagementService. [Sudheer Shanka] - Fix: Firewall: NMS inverts default rule behavior [Tommy Webb] - SystemUI: Enable session-based media actions for all apps [Adithya R] - Applockservice: Cleanup intents and unused expressions [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Lockscreen clock format settings [1/2] [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Introduce dynamic lockscreen clock spacing [minaripenguin] - PixelPropsUtils: Convert process/package name to lowercase [minaripenguin] - Squashed QSPanel style and design changes [Trishiraj] - SystemUI: Lockscreen clock color settings [1/2] [Max Weninger] - core: Add support for keyguard font styles [1/2] [minaripenguin] - core: Add support for custom clock font styles [1/2] [minaripenguin] - ThemeUtils: Make it compatible for all targets [Pranav Vashi] - Bring back ThemeUtils for Theming [sb6596] - Add support for Navbar styles [Pranav Vashi] - ThemeOverlayApplier: Apply wifi and signal icon styles last [Pranav Vashi] - ThemeOverlayApplier: Catch a potential NPE. [spezi77] - Udfps: Disable Night Light on keyguard [SuperDroidBond] - base: Add OmniJawsClient [maxwen] - SystemUI: Open mobile data usage from qsfooter [Genkzsz11] - Add deep sleep preference controller [1/2] [Pranav Vashi] - ParallelSpace: Block telecom server package [Pranav Vashi] - ParallelSpace: Add Android Auto to block list [Pranav Vashi] - ParallelSpace: Allow/block essential apps without overlay [Pranav Vashi] - Add support for GMS switch [LibXZR] - ParallelSpace: Allow devices to overlay whitelist/blocklist apps [Pranav Vashi] - ParallelSpace: Mark badge string as not translatable [Pranav Vashi] - services: Suppress double upgrade notification for parallel space [Pranav Vashi] - services: Fix parallel space crash with third party launcher [Pranav Vashi] - services: Do not turn on multi user switch for new parallel space [Pranav Vashi] - data: Add missing priv-app permissions for parallel space [minaripenguin] - ActivityStarter: Resolve launcher intent to parallel owner user [LibXZR] - services: location: Whitelist parallel space users [LibXZR] - services: camera: Whitelist parallel space users [LibXZR] - SystemUI: Fix privacy indicator not showing for apps in parallel spaces [LibXZR] - base: Expose parallel space owner to api [LibXZR] - Whitelist some Packages for Parallel space [spkal01] - base: Add support for managing files across parallel spaces [LibXZR] - base: Add support for parallel space [LibXZR] - SystemUI: Allow limiting AOD & ambient display refresh rate via overlay. [Ido Ben-Hur] - AppLock: Update API [Pranav Vashi] - AppLock: Allow locking all apps visible in launcher [Pranav Vashi] - base: Introduce app lock [1/4] [jhonboy121] - Allow to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is ON [1/2] [ezio84] - Hidden Apps filter for use in the Settings app [t-m-w] - Show hidden apps on secondary users' app lists [Oliver Scott] - sounds: Import system sound effects for risingOS [minaripenguin] - [SQUASH] SystemUI: Refactor AOD QS tile [darkobas] - base: add option to enable AOD on charging only [1/2] [darkobas] - SystemUI: cleanup bluetooth dialog impl [jhonboy121] - SystemUI: Hide wifi standard icon if not connected to wifi [minaripenguin] - base: Import Wi-Fi standard icon [1/2] [ReallySnow] - fw/b: Squash import NetworkTraffic [Jon Haus] - fixup! Improvements for dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons [Alex Yustasov] - Improvements for dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Refactor QS Data Usage and typography [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Fix daily data view in QS footer [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Toggle data usage view on QS footer [1/2] [travarilo] - SystemUI: Switch to config for Refresh Rate QS tile [cjh1249131356] - RefreshRateTile: Improve logic [cjh1249131356] - base: added refresh rate tile [jhonboy121] - SystemUI: Show daily data usage in QS footer [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Add statusbar call strength icon to tuner prefs [xyyx] - SystemUI: Add switch data saver icon [xyyx] - SystemUI: Introduce dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons [SagarMakhar] - SystemUI: Refactor statusbar bluetooth icon [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Update Bluetooth battery level assets [Hernán Castañón Álvarez] - SystemUI: Add XPN to the icon blacklist in tuner [maxwen] - SystemUI: Add statusbar NFC icon [xyyx] - Revert "SystemUI: Network Traffic [1/3]" [Pranav Vashi] - Mirrors calls to suspend LE Audio with those for A2DP [Rahul Sabnis] - AudioService: log LE Audio device made avaliable/unavaliable [Jakub Pawlowski] - VolumeDialog: Fit the app icon to its view bounds [minaripenguin] - graphics: Override system fonts with user-selected overlays [Danny Lin] - base: Android P system animation (1/2) [Pzqqt] - SystemUI: Fix reticker notification background [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Redesign Volume Panel [minaripenguin] - VolumePanel: Pass touch outside of volume panel [Akash] - Volume panel: avoid multiple animations on touch spam [Giuseppe Maggio] - BiometricScheduler: Cancel operation if not idle [SagarMakhar] - fixup! SystemUI: Allow changing face unlock method when locked [1/2] [jhenrique09] - Do not show camera indicator for Face Unlock service [LibXZR] - SystemUI: use simple check for isFaceDisabled [Ali B] - SystemUI: Face Unlock animation [Dil3mm4] - Hide face recognizing message on bouncer when authenticated [jhenrique09] - face: Pass requestId on our authentication client [jhenrique09] - SystemUI: Tell user when face unlock detection is running [jhenrique09] - Reset face auth on occluding app when authenticated [jhenrique09] - WalletActivity: Don't explicitly request face auth [jhenrique09] - Allow changing face unlock method when locked [jhenrique09] - base: do not use new lockscreen layout for bypass [Ethan Halsall] - KeyguardBouncer: Don't delay showing if face auth running [jhenrique09] - FaceService: Allow our face unlock to be used on third-party apps [jhenrique09] - SystemUI: Improve pt-br translation for fingerprint_dialog_use_fingerprint_instead [jhenrique09] - Add idle lockout message for FaceUnlock [jhenrique09] - services: Merge T changes on our custom face unlock impl [jhenrique09] - Initial import of Face Unlock for S [jhenrique09] - SettingsLib: Add Category Key for Personalizations [Pranav Vashi] - Allow passing in a category override to aapt2 [Jeremy Meyer] - permissions: Pre-grant google restore permissions [minaripenguin] - services: permissions: Prevent apps from crashing when removing new permissions [minaripenguin] - DefaultPermissionGrant: Fix google search crash [Pranav Vashi] - base: Bring back suspend app perms [ender1324] - Permissions: Grant Personal Safety perms [Joey Huab] - Fix android setup permissions [mukesh22584] - Permissions: Grant missing Gapps perms [Stallix] - Permissions: Grant Google Markup perms [DennySPB] - Permissions: Grant Pixel's Wallpaper app access to SD [calebcabob] - Permissions: Grant Google Sound Picker storage perms [shagbag913] - Permissions: Grant Mediascanner access permissions to external storage [Ali B] - base: Grant suspend permission to Flipendo [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Redesign lockscreen bottom buttons [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Enable keyguard quick affordance [aswin7469] - Introduce PixelPropsUtils for safety net spoof [SQUASHED] [jhenrique09] - Camera: Don't throw exceptions when value pairs have spaces in them [Ricardo Cerqueira] - Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs [Jostein Kjønigsen] - Guard in short-circuit evaluations for stringSplit methods. [Mohammed Irfan] - Camera: Don't crash when trying to disable shutter sound [jhenrique09] - SystemUI: Remove Android build number from QS footer [Danny Lin] - core: Fix menu popup ripple [timjosten] - SystemUI: Make popup menus more rounded [Lucchetto] - base: use a double click effect for charging if there is no amplitude control support [jhonboy121] - SystemUI: buttons should no longer be textAllCaps [maxwen] - base: fix google copy pasta error :) [maxwen] - core: Remove old app target SDK dialog [Danny Lin] - core: Remove default aspect ratio limit for old apps [Danny Lin] - framework-sysconfig: Add deskclock to whitelist [Qimeng Pan] - DisplayWindowSettings: Don’t check for forceDesktopMode for freeform [Erfan Abdi] - core: Enable freeform windows assets preloading [minaripenguin] - config: Allow gms to access persistent data partition [Demon000] - SystemUI: Use app icons for notifications in statusbar [Dil3mm4] - Youtube application when moving to PIP animation was very bad [pioush.kumar-IN009423] - JobScheduler: Stop leaking user information [minaripenguin] - SettingsLib: Redesign and animate Battery and storage progress bars [Trishiraj] - Dark Theme "TURN ON UNTIL SUNRISE" is not retained after reboot [Sameer Zalke] - Change mODICaptionsTooltipView null check occasion to avoid potential crash [Shen Lin] - Skype is not opening in full screen [pioush.kumar-IN009423] - System crash during dismissing split in multi-user scenario [pioush.kumar-IN009423] - Resolve the NullPointerException in ExitTransitionCoordinator.java #line 429 [柴柏君] - PowerStatsService: Prevent NPE in BatteryTrigger. [Shumao] - Recheck the condition before really killing [desuo wang] - Fix screenshot sharing failure after the recent task is opened. [ben Wang] - SystemUI: Support smartspace animation for pixel launcher [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Set launcher activity name to Launcher3 [Adithya R] - Touch is not working [pioush.kumar-IN009423] - Reset buffer after stop protolog to file [haoyu.wang] - Reduce the memory usage of the ProtoLogToFile [haoyu.wang] - Pause is getting scheduled 2 times [pioush.kumar-IN009423] - permissions: Grant `ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION` to some system apps [minaripenguin] - Add YCBCR_P010 in switch content in ImageUtil getNumPlanes. [Sally Qi] - Track all published motion events in InputEventSender [Tom Cherry] - Fix the pip bounds error when entering pip mode. [buwenjing] - Extend previously added limits for listeners [Chinmay Dhodapkar] - Extend getUiAutomator() timeout from 5 seconds to 60 seconds [Daniel Norman] - Change the wait time of setDefaultLauncher from 20s to 60s [gang.huang] - Allow profile owner to set user_setup_complete secure setting [Oliver Scott] - Fix continuous crash issue in persistent apps [Hari Raj Vijayakumar] - [AMS] Check low mem by reading /proc/meminfo. [qinyige1] - Delay tryToRebind if application exit reason is LMK [Vijay Kumar] - Fix mLockPatternUtils modified in concurrent context [Xu Qian] - Fix task info null crash [ot903107] - Fixed ConcurrentModificationException in LockoutResetDispatcher [huyuxin] - Sort running task by focus and visibility [Bowen Li] - Align passing member references to do nativeInit [Shen Lin] - Allow required Android Auto permissions [Dylanger Daly] - Camera: Fix null pointer access [Kwangkyu Park] - [Bugfix]check whitelisted packages exclude nonsystem app [Wen Zhang] - Fix exception caused by system app setting wallpaper [Ge Tianxiong] - development: Address NPE when removing preferences out of developer options [Alex Cruz] - Do not assistant delay for media notifications [WoongKi Min] - Activity not finishing even after pressing back key [pioush.kumar-IN009423] - ImageUtils: Fix estimated bytes factor for P010 [Kwangkyu Park] - Fix cts flaky issue on adt3 device. [Sally Qi] - Fix NullPointerException in the fingerprint pre-enrollment process [Ge Tianxiong] - ExifInterface: Use FileDescriptors whenever we can. [Martijn Coenen] - Use a ExifInterface ctor with a file descriptor as a parameter [Hyoungho Choi] - [Bugfix] Fix DPMS and NMS deadlock problem [yangboyuan] - Camera: Release advanced extension references [Emilian Peev] - Camera: Always release the extension session after configuration [Emilian Peev] - Camera: Avoid holding locks during extension initialization [Emilian Peev] - Camera: Remove GPS_LOCATION if set() is called with null [Shuzhen Wang] - Fix an issue that the FoldStateListener induces a memory leak [Kwangkyu Park] - Camera: Avoid holding locks during advanced extension initialization [Emilian Peev] - Camera: Register LensShadingMap marshaler [Jag Saund] - Camera: Remove 3 processed streams combination for stream use case [Shuzhen Wang] - Camera: Avoid possible NPE after extension session configuration [Emilian Peev] - camera: Add backwards-compatible CaptureResultExtras constructor [Adithya R] - Camera: Always allow aux and privilege access to OEM cameras [minaripenguin] - Select the proper request list size [Guruprasad Gaonkar] - [Bugfix] Fix the pid the log am_crash shows when a native crash occurs. [xi yu] - AudioDeviceBroker: fix the problem of silent Bluetooth Voip calls [liang1] - Fix wrong ime parent in embedded activity [Wilson Wu] - Update persist cache when package updated. [张倞诚] - SystemUI: match brightness slider track height with the progress drawable [jhonboy121] - BrightnessController: update icon state for auto bg icon [yukiscape] - Use brightness icon matching with slider redesign [Pranav Vashi] - camera2: Add non burst sizes to mandatory streams for ultra high resolution sensors [Jayant Chowdhary] - DisplayModeDirector: Allow to enforce user selected resolution [cjh1249131356] - SystemUI: Display a toast when a screenshot is deleted [Alex Cruz] - Screenshot: Add delete action chip intent [ganeshi4u] - AS: Fix sometimes invalid volume set to LE Audio devices [Jakub Tyszkowski] - AudioService: Add makeLeAudioDeviceUnavailableLater [Jakub Pawlowski] - AudioService: Update the volume after voip call ends [Jakub Tyszkowski] - AudioService: Fix setting LeAudio volume after VoIP call [Jakub Tyszkowski] - base: Fix for hybrid a2dp mode [gmanam] - BtHelper: Check for SCO connection before broadcast [Satish Kumar Kodishala] - Force modeOwner update after client death [Xu Min] - MediaCodecLinearBlock: Let input slot available for onWorkDone buffer. [ted.sun] - Fix NullPointerException to get sim accounts [Zemeng Li] - Replace lockscreen icons with two-tone icons [Trishiraj] - SystemUI: Hardcode lock icon color to white [minaripenguin] - [1/2] base: Remove restrictions for system audio record [jhenrique09] - CachedBluetoothDevice: Fix detecting connect fail [Michał Narajowski] - SettingsLib: CollapsingToolbarBaseActivity: Increase scrim transition… [elluzion] - base: SettiingsLib: Change collapse mode to scale [Blaster4385] - SettingsLib: Fix the collapsing toolbar bg color [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Export RecordingService for External Usage [cjybyjk] - SystemUI: Add delete action to screen recorder notification [Sourajit Karmakar] - SystemUI: Reset QS on UI mode change [althafvly] - SystemUI: Refactor notification reticker [Trishiraj] - reTicker: Do not jump to app when clicked in games [cjh1249131356] - reTicker: Cleanup [cjh1249131356] - Use Tuner API for reTicker settings [Pranav Vashi] - reTicker: Do not show when content/icon is null [cjh1249131356] - Properly update view for reTicker [Pranav Vashi] - Feature: reticker [1/2] [Dil3mm4] - Improvements for swipe to screenshot [Henrique Silva] - SwipeToScreenshot: Import MIUI implementation [Henrique Silva] - base: Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot [1/2] [ghbhaha] - base: Rework lock gesture feature [cjh1249131356] - base: Add metric for custom Settings [Pranav Vashi] - core: Add SystemUtils [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Add Pixel battery addons [1/2] [aswin7469] - [LE Audio] Add try catch for bluetooth device address fail [changbetty] - [LE Audio] To fix the QR Code parse error [changbetty] - Fonts: Add regular / light font config [Pranav Vashi] - base: Use font configs instead hardcoded fonts [Pranav Vashi] - Wire up default fonts with font engine [Pranav Vashi] - base: Export bodyFontFamily and bodyFontFamilyMedium symbols [Pranav Vashi] - Add interface for battery stats reset [Pranav Vashi] - services: Refactor Smart Charging API [minaripenguin] - base: Smart Charging (1/4) [Lucchetto] - Pulse: Implement pulse color based album art [1/2] [Pranav Vashi] - Pulse: Detach pulse view only when attached [Pranav Vashi] - Pulse: Solid renderer round lines [1/2] [TikkiTikki] - Pulse: Set current Refresh rate as FPS animation value [Stallix] - Pulse: Add more NPE checks [DarkJoker360] - Pulse: Extend to Ambient Screen [spezi77] - Pulse initial checkin for Android 13 [1/2] [bigrushdog] - SystemUI: Add support for GameSpace [Nauval Rizky] - ColorUtils: Prevent crash if alpha component is translucent [Pranav Vashi] - Paint: Enable subpixel text positioning by default [Danny Lin] - InternetDialog: Launch mobile network settings on long press [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Add hotspot toggle in QS internet dialog [Adithya R] - Avoid resursion for sleep check in embedding window [tanxiaoyan] - NotificationShade: Make blur crossfading more gradual [Danny Lin] - Switch back to the application on /system when UID and path changed [Wen Zhang] - base: make per-app work with multi audio focus [El Dainosor] - Remove unnecessary HashMap instantiation [Josep del Rio] - Don't report after view detached from window. [derek.li] - AudioService: catch RuntimeException for IServiceManager.getService [Devin Moore] - Reset PowerGroup.mIsSandmanSummoned while waking up. [jiayongqiang] - SystemUI: Fix per-app volume icon paddings [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Use App icon for per-app volume [timjosten] - base: support per-app volume [2/3] [cjybyjk] - Fix drawable-state cache expired issue [felkachang] - NotificationPlayer: use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT instead of AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN in looping mode [wumin3] - SystemUI: Remove visibility check in setting QSCarrier color [Adithya R] - Catch IllegalArgumentException for invalid phone id [Wileen Chiu] - SystemUI: Also blur power sub-menus [Pranav Vashi] - SystemUI: Blur the power menu [Elluzion] - base: Add support for strict standby policy [LibXZR] - SystemUI: Move bluetooth dialog creation to LongClick method [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Implement Bluetooth dialog [Adithya R] - Use getPackagesForOps instead of iterating packages by checkOperation [yinwei.sun1] - CachedAppOptimizer : Fix compaction configuration being ignored [Divyanand Rangu] - BoostFramework: Cleanup properties to avoid selinux denials [minaripenguin] - Don't update OverScroller fling state if improper time passed [Jun Wang] - Perf:Fix the issue that activity boost duration abnormal. [Libo Jin] - udfps: Forward port Boost framework hook. [Vishal Cj] - core: Integrate CLO boost fw to AOSP boost fw [Akash Srivastava] - base: Introduce AOSP boost and memory optimization framework API [minaripenguin] - CachedAppOptimizer : Fix cached & persistent apps compaction [Sai Manobhiram] - SettingsLib: Use framework resource for headline font [Adithya R] - services: Fix a deadlock when long pressing power key during screen off [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Improve fp ripple animation color [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: QSAnimator: Hide secondary label in QQS [Adithya R] - base: Use wireless charging animation for wired charging too [Anushek Prasal] - SystemUI: Tune QS tile dimensions [minaripenguin] - BootReceiver: Return early if trace_pipe doesn't exists [minaripenguin] - SettingsLib: Make IllustrationPreference bg protection transparent [minaripenguin] - MobileSignalController: Do not duplicate SPN and PLMN [Adithya R] - SystemUI: Hide notifications when quickly expanding QS [Adithya R] - core: Allow telephony stack and its components to receive un-sanitized ServiceState entries [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Reconfigure bottom indication text paddings [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: properly align Notification Icons [SuperDroidBond] - drawable: Fix seekbar when disabled [Erfan Abdi] - fwb: Add circle thumb at the end of seekbar [Erfan Abdi] - Redesign seekbar [SagarMakhar] - Make sure gc_urgent is normal mode, when no need GC [Dylan Chang] - core: Make all list dividers transparent [minaripenguin] - ViewConfiguration: Fix multi-thread safety issue [minaripenguin] - display: Don't reset brightness adjustment on clearUserDataPoints() [LibXZR] - SystemUI: Add charging icon to the charging animation [minaripenguin] - Privacy Indicators: Follow light/dark theme settings [minaripenguin] - Do not drop app permissions on hibernate [Sergey Vasiliev] - Fix crash caused by null mNotificationPanelViewController [Shao Mengchuan] - BugFix: fix touch region sigsegv issue [liulvping] - [BugFixed][OOM_ADJ] use max_adj to control process final adj [guolun Xue] - Change the default value of sync mode to NORMAL [ot905302] - Fix phone restarts after SD card formatted as internal storage [Bo Ye] - Fix getStorageVolumes to return public volumes visible to userIdSharingMedia with. [Himanshu Gupta] - [BugFix] Fix pip error, from split-screen to pip in landscape.. [wangdongdong6] - create different pendingintent via appwidgetId [Wen Zhang] - AlarmManager: Handle google and system apps alarm denials [minaripenguin] - AlarmManager: Handle all gms exact alarm denials [Danny Lin] - SystemUI: Prevent systemui crash when reinflating QS [minaripenguin] - InputMethodManager: Prevent unnecessary invocation of IME [minaripenguin] - Fix cutout caused CTS issue: DecorInsetSdk29Tests [Nandan Puttaraju] - Fix potential crash when TaskDisplayArea is null [Shen Lin] - Fix possible NullPointerException in method shouldUseEmptySplashScreen. [xuanli Gao] - NotificationChannel: Fix URI failures caused by securityException [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: set heap tracking default also with a property like all the other flags [maxwen] - NfcA: Fix an NPE in constructor [Guche Mantuano] - frameworks/base: Support for third party NFC features and extensions [Puneet Mishra] - DeviceIdleController: Fix a random reboot caused by null location provider [minaripenguin] - modify requestLocationUpdates [hee.youn] - Reduce the number of binders [Liangliang Sui] - Switch to purge all unused memory to kernel. [Christopher Ferris] - Improve Transition GC initiation by improving the Frameworks triggering signal [Wessam Hassanein] - Do not kill the server process itself [Bart Van Assche] - ViewGroup: Remove child parent when a new view is added [mydongistiny] - View's mAttachInfo maybe NP. [Guanyou Chen] - ConfigurationController: Prevent app crash caused by null configuration [minaripenguin] - [Bugfix] Fix system application FC caused by not attached to window manager. [Luntao Wang] - fix lost old callback when continuous call requestRenderAndNotify [Bowen Li] - [BugFix]replace isVisibleByPolicy by isVisible when check wake up draw [yangye Chen] - Force to draw a frame when frame become empty from non-empty [Hongwei Qiu] - [BugFix]Fix NPE when pip onAnimationEnd [wangdongdong6] - ViewRootImpl: Update display install orientation after registering listeners [minaripenguin] - Fix the problem that the turn_screen_on Activity does not draw. [Cheng Shi] - Fix potential NPE when callback remote animator [Shen Lin] - Move compiler-rt load into renderscript class [Prashanth Swaminathan] - SystemUI: Do not alter `keyguard_carrier_text_margin` [minaripenguin] - WindowProcessController: Fix potential memory leak [Adrian Roos] - Backup NETWORK_AVOID_BAD_WIFI setting. [Hansen Kurli] - SystemUI: Optional haptic feedback for back gesture [1/2] [minaripenguin] - core: Implement Oplus inspired vibration haptics [minaripenguin] - base: Hide IME space feature [1/2] [minaripenguin] - ActivityThread: Fix a race condition in content provider [minaripenguin] - hwui: Implement glass blur effect [minaripenguin] - Fix deadlock in RebootEscrowManager [Veena Arvind] - Implement timeout mechanism to wait for network connectivity. [Veena Arvind] - Clear the information of the underlying network [lucaslin] - Avoid NetworkPolicyLogger NullPointException [keparal.li] - Clear underlying network info in onDefaultNetworkLost() [lucaslin] - Fix permission issues for network update service [Neil Fuller] - Resolve setContentIntent to single code path [Aaron Huang] - Add keys for preferred ESP packets type [chiachangwang] - Add KEY_MIN_UDP_PORT_4500_NAT_TIMEOUT_SEC_INT in CarrierConfigManager [chiachangwang] - CarrierConfigManager: Enable payphone call blocking option [Jason Edson] - CarrierConfigManager: Enable LTE+ icon [Jake Weinstein] - Do not mark dun APN types as read only [flawedworld] - Use IPv4v6 as default protocol when APN setting is not available [Jack Yu] - base: Do not reset keyguard going away state [minaripenguin] - AppErrors: Respect appsNotReportingCrashes for ANRs [Danny Lin] - suppress SystemUI ANRs [Danny Lin] - SystemUI: Fix keyguard user avatar margins [minaripenguin] - Prevent NPE and try to recover [Edward Savage-Jones] - Visualizer: use actual sampling rate of the instance [Mikhail Naganov] - audio: Don't play sound effects if stream is muted [Steve Kondik] - sounds: Introduce rising system sound effects pack [str143] - sounds: Implement new screenshot sound effect [minaripenguin] - AudioService: RecordActivityMonitor: fix unbounded list growth [Mikhail Naganov] - Fix AudioMix.equals() [Alex Leung] - [IMPR] HwAudioSource: auto reconnect feature on AudioServer crash [Francois Gaffie] - AudioService: allows to synchronize end of user switch [Francois Gaffie] - [IMPR] AudioService: focus listener: enable it when using external AudioFocus [Francois Gaffie] - AudioEffect: fix isEffectSupportedForDevice() API [Ram Mohan M] - Changing max SampleRate limits for raw audio decoder [Arun Johnson] - core: Enable freeform/multiple windows feature by default [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Import breathing UDFPS animation from nothingOS [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Fade filter for lockscreen media artwork [1/2] [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Rework media artwork implementation [1/2] [minaripenguin] - SystemUI: Configurable lockscreen album art blur radius [1/2] [minaripenguin] - Add Lockscreen album art filter [1/2] [ElDainosor] - Close DirectoryStream in ActivityThread after use. [Mateus Azis] - SettingsLib: Redesign the switch widget [minaripenguin] - [zip] Make implementations of zip interfaces final [Yurii Zubrytskyi] - Fix action bar font family on material themes [Henrique Silva] - base: styles: Use user fonts for Material UI themes [Danny Lin] - fonts: Don't build real DroidSansMono [Danny Lin] - overlays: Remove Noto Serif + Source Sans Pro font style [Danny Lin] - fonts: Respect font scale for dynamic tracking calculations [Danny Lin] - SettingsLib: Apply Inter Dynamic Metrics to collapsing toolbar [Danny Lin] - SystemUI: Use default letter spacing for QS tiles [Danny Lin] - Implement Inter Dynamic Metrics for system UI font [Danny Lin] - fonts: Update italic font axis for Inter [Danny Lin] - fonts: Use fallback variant of Roboto [Danny Lin] - Merge tag 'android-13.0.0_r41' into staging/lineage-20.0_merge-android-13.0.0_r41 [Michael Bestas] * android_frameworks_native - sf: Avoid present hidl call when DP is disconnected. [Vikas batchu] - sf: Allow SystemServer to set the display brightness [Rheygine Medel] - sf: Reset validateWasSkipped in PostCommit phase [Rajat Yadav] - Avoid vsync enabled when in DOZE mode (AOD). [Rachel Lee] - sf: Update mSendUpdateImminent on reset callback [Rheygine Medel] - libgui: reset buffer count to max slots instead of returning BAD_VALUE. [Rui Wang] - SF: Always wait for earliest time present if possible [minaripenguin] - SF: Skip creation of client composition requests by default [minaripenguin] - Fix an arithmetic error when using unsigned [liulijun] - Fix unintended buffer canceling [Kwangkyu Park] - Skip dumping backtraces for cached processes [Kevin Jeon] - DO NOT MERGE Extend mPreviousPresentFences for high refresh rate [Jen-Chih Chang] - SF: Don't try to latch unsignaled buffers by default [minaripenguin] - SurfaceFlinger: skip composition when presenting a single auto-refresh layer [Tomislav Novak] - SurfaceFlinger: keep auto-refresh in sync between producer and consumer [Tomislav Novak] - BufferQueueConsumer: acquire a buffer only if fence is signaled [Tomislav Novak] - Fix for: clearAppProfiles interface can cause arbitrary file truncate [Alex Buynytskyy] - Fix for: copySystemProfile can cause arbitrary file read and write [Alex Buynytskyy] - Set the maxImageExtent for vk wsi based on currentExtent [Trevor David Black] - vulkan: respect consumer default dataspace upon PASS_THROUGH [Yiwei Zhang] - Allow PASS_THROUGH colorspace with R5G6B5, R16G16B16A16, A2B10G10R10 [Jason Macnak] - Allow use of PASS_THROUGH colorspace with RGBA8 [Lingfeng Yang] - fix validateBufferDescriptorInfo error when usage bits were 32-bits [Jessie Hao] - libbinder: O_CLOFORK [Steven Moreland] - HWComposer: Mark `previousPresentFence` as maybe unused [minaripenguin] - Dont check previous present fence signaled when presentAndGetReleaseFences [Yinbo Peng] - surfaceflinger: Modify dumpAll to dump on the main thread [Rajat Yadav] * android_hardware_interfaces - Camera: Update HIDL overrideFormat from HAL [Abhijit Trivedi] * android_packages_apps_Personalizations - settings: Add QS Page Custom Transition Animations [2/2] [ariffjenong] - Import QS brightness slider and statusbar settings [Pranav Vashi] * android_packages_apps_Settings - SpecUtils: Fix total ram calculation for some devices [minaripenguin] - settings: Add icon for adaptive connectivity [minaripenguin] - Settings: Convert AnimationScalePreference to CustomDialogPreferenceCompat [Christian Oder] - Settings: AnimationScale: Fix force close when not using english [mydongistiny] - Settings: Use seekbar to allow setting arbitrary animation values [Steve Kondik] - [SQUASH]: Import settings changes and customizations [minaripenguin] * android_packages_apps_Updater - Ship as RisingOS [minaripenguin] * android_system_core - init.rc disable bootreceiver traces by default [Divyanand Rangu] - debuggerd: Disable scudo usage [Adithya R] - healthd: cover devices that have voltage_max file with value of 0 [maxwen] - LockscreenCharging: squashed (2/3) [xyyx] - snapuserd: Set taskprofile OtaProfiles [Akilesh Kailash] - hosts: Block OTA downloading from GMS [jhenrique09] - Add COLOR_MODE_DISPLAY_BT2020 to graphics header. [Sally Qi] - debuggerd: show syscall in SYS_SECCOMP one-liners. [Elliott Hughes] - Use scudo_ring_buffer_size from process_info [Florian Mayer] - static_assert to catch struct mismatches earlier [Florian Mayer] - Fix scudo MTE tests. [Peter Collingbourne] - Fix scudo fault address processing. [liyong] - init: Change extra_free_kbytes.sh to add margin relative to the default watermark level [Suren Baghdasaryan] - set iostat_period_ms to 1 sec [Daeho Jeong] - core: Fix reading max_comp_streams for zram [usernameComputer01] - Fix data lost in zram_swap if system rebooted [Hu Xiaoyu] - libprocessgroup: Import code linaro optimizations [minaripenguin] - debuggerd: Update tombstone proto firmware tag [minaripenguin] - Fix the cgroup v2 thread path [Bart Van Assche] - UDC: Dm-Bow failed to load when size is not Multiple of 4096 [Swapneel Mashalkar] - rootdir: Look for ODM & vendor ueventd entries in ETC too. [Alexander Koskovich] - fastboot: stop trying to determine bootloader unlock status from /proc/cmdline [Matt Filetto] - libfs_avb: Disable dm-verity when AVB is permissive [Danny Lin] - Revert "libfs_avb: verifying vbmeta digest early" [Md Abu Talha] - init: Update properties for snet spoof [Pranav Vashi] - init.rc: don't start console unless asked to [Alex Naidis] - init.rc: Disable native stats collection service [Danny Lin] - init: Do not set safety net props for ENG builds [Pranav Vashi] - init: Add more properties to spoof. [spezi77] - init: Weaken property override security for the init extension [Alex Naidis] - fastboot: Revert to Android 11 method of checking lock status [Danny Lin] - init: Don't spoof SafetyNet properties in recovery mode [Jarl-Penguin] - init: Set properties to make SafetyNet pass [Danny Lin] - init: reboot to recovery on panic by default to allow reading pstore [Alexander Martinz] - Do not call tune2fs for verity on non /data partitions [Jaegeuk Kim] * android_vendor_addons - Themes: Import signal & wifi icons [rdx420] - themes: Import Xperia Icon pack [AndroBuddy] - Implement immersive navigation to navbar no hint overlay [Kra1o5] * android_vendor_RiceDroidOTA - riceDroid -> risingOS [minaripenguin] * android_vendor_rising - bacon: Show the json contents after banner [minaripenguin] - soong: Bring bootloader_message_offset back [Nolen Johnson] - overlay: Disable immersive mode confirmation [Arian] - apn: update for T Star, Vibo and AURORA [frost] - tasks: add fastboot target * updatepackage but renames to match RisingOS target zip * show additonal info [Omkar Chandorkar] - createjson.sh: Generate OTA json at build time [Lup Gabriel] - config: Add build type flags for RisingOS [Sipun Ku Mahanta] * vendor_google_pixel - gms: Update Google device services [minaripenguin] - gms: Don't disable default ringtone picker [minaripenguin] - gms: Update google restore and pixel setup wizard [minaripenguin] - Rebrand for RisingOS [minaripenguin]
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