Build Date : 29th April, 2023
Maintainer : HEISENBERG
Variant : Vanilla
ROM Changelog:
===================================== DroidX-UI 1.2 (Alpha Two) Changelogs ===================================== - Merged with latest April r41 tag. - DroidX-UI switched with codename Hellfire. - Customize: Added reticker feature. - Implemented GameSpace support. - Gestures: Added three finger screenshots option. - Customize: Added volume rocker wake. - Customize: added Less boring heads up options. - Customize: More custom fonts are implemented. - Customize: More custom icon shapes are implemented. - Customize: Added alert slider toggle support. - Customize: added Network traffic indicator. - Customize: Added animations to quick settings tile. - Customize: Added Show ambient instead of lockscreen on wake gesture. - SystemUI: Added PowerShare Qs tile. - QS Panel: Added Sync tile. - SystemUI: Added USB tether tile. - SystemUI: Added caffeine QS tile. - Added a Toggle to force LTE_CA. NOTE- Some bug fixes and improvements are implemented into the source. ====================================== DroidX-UI v1.0 (Alpha One) Changelogs ====================================== - February security patch. - Switched to initial release v1.0. - DroidX-UI codename #CrackStone. - Added Support for Vanilla and Gapps variants. - "Customize" our hub is also included. - Customize: Added battery related customizations. - Customize: Added Fonts and icons related customizations. - Added Advance reboot feature. - Customize: Added Network traffic indicator. - Customize: Added toggle for combined network. - Seperate tile is added for data and wifi. - Added expandable volume panel. - Some Improvements and bug fixes in source. Note: Customize hub is keep on updating, So expect the hub with full customizations in upcoming releases.
Release Notes :
1. Comes with April Security Patch.
2. Added LTE CA Force toggle.
3. Topaz kernel as default.
4. The tree has been replaced (MI439-CLO) by Jprimero.
1. Comes with vanilla build only.
2. Clean flash recommended.
4. Initial build, expect features missing and minor bugs.
Date: 29-April-2023
- Initial official release for Alpha Two.
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