Date - 23/04/2023 ================= # General Changes - Added Option to unlock higher FPS in games - Added PocketJudge AKA Pocket lock - Added QS Header Images support - Added Option to enable/disable FingerPrint Authentication Vibration - Added Monet customization # Superior Launcher - Follow all apps background for taskbar slide in view - Add light theme for taskbar background - Open google weather on tapping smartspace - Open running services activity when clicking meminfo view - Disable white gradient on home screen - Vibrate effect for clear all button - Vibrate on double tap to sleep - Refine dock and all apps UI # Settings - Removed shadow behind actionbar - Introduce contextual dashboard messages - Add Bouncy scrollview from OOS # Fixes and improvements - Re-import Linotte font (Added light and regular variants) - Fix up bolt icon when charging - InternetDialog: Require unlocking to turn on hotspot - Replace lockscreen icons with two-tone icons - SystemUI: Open google weather on tapping smartspace - Use two-tone icon for default profile image - Use red color for low bluetooth battery - Follow status bar battery style in QS - Enabled new output switcher - Allow toggling VoWiFi while roaming by default - Fixup some NPE - Updated gapps - Updated prebuilts - Merged Translations
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