- Install latest firmware if you're using an older one - Clean install required coming from EvolutionX A12 or a different ROM - Dirty flash from previous build is fine - No Retrofit and no EROFS so make sure to use a compatible recovery (check instructions at the XDA thread), and Format Data with this recovery if your previous ROM was retrofit and/or EROFS. **Device Changes:** - Upstream kernel to v4.14.309 - Update lz4 module - Increase fingerprint enrollment progress radius because big-thumb people matter **Evolution X Update** - Fix status bar landscape touch issues - Fix QS panel flicker - SystemUI: Re-implement Bluetooth dialog with LongClick method - Update translations - Evolver: Import more status bar logo styles - Evolver: Configurable media notification and lockscreen blur radius - Launcher3: Bring back support for custom themed icon pack - SystemUI: Fix QS expand lag when VoLTE/VoWiFi icons are enabled - base: Improve IME space feature overlay - Settings: Re-implement ‘Remove IME space under keyboard’ feature - Less boring heads up: Don't skip heads up for most messaging apps - Evolver: Custom UDFPS icon feature - Update AppLock API and integrate hidden and protected apps in Settings/Security - Fix issues when YouTube and other media apps entering PiP mode - Evolver: Remove OOS style notification clear all button
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