LineageOS-20 (Android-13, source built vendor) Weekly test build is up (Can be used as daily driver with magisk, safteynetprops and krdragon's safteynet fix)
Contains Baked in Gapps (Partner gapps)
Current changes and updates include but not limited to:
> Aligned partition sizes with stock firmware (Future updates for LineageOS builds will be OTA Package that should get flashed with recovery as well but this one still requires fastboot install)
> Fixed boot failure with magiskinit.
> Updated bluetooth audio hal to 2.1.
> Added controls for refresh rate adjustment
> Fixed power button glitches
> Added Xiaomi Pen and Stylus support
> Added Support for double tap2wake
> Aligned with latest lineageOS source tip.
Flashing Instructions:
How to Flash?
> This is a update package (different from normal builds you flash with recovery)
> Make sure you have latest sdk plat tools and follow the commands in below order
If you are on Miui
1: Download the zip
2: Extract boot and vendor_boot from the zip (Do not fuck with the zip contents)
3: Flash the boot and vendor_boot from bootloader (not talking about fastbootd)
4: Follow the flashing instructions for custom rom flash as described below.
To flash from a custom rom
1.1 Reboot to bootloader ( adb reboot bootloader )
2.2 Wipe clean the device ( fastboot -w )
3.3 Reboot to fastbootd ( fastboot reboot fastboot )
4.4 Flash the update package ( fastboot update lineage_nabu-fastbootd-20230205_082008.zip )
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