Highlights & Device Specific Changes: =================================== Build type: Final Device: Redmi Note 8 Pro (begonia) A-10 device maintainer: TTTT555 Support chat (TG): https://t.me/crDroidBegonia Notes: - Recomended install fastboot version of MIUI A10 before. - If you have bootloop after installation, try format data again or to change GAPPS or flash MIUI and try again. - Reboot after a clean install and initial setup so that the BegoniaParts item appears in the settings. - GAPPS and Google Photo required for G-Cams. Opengapps recomended [ARM64 Pico or Nano (for OK Google)]. - If you will use Viper FX, then do not forget to enable legacy mode in the application settings. - If you will use the built-in G-Cams, do not forget to apply configs (three taps between the camshot button and gallery button). If the camera does not find the built-in configs, just reboot the device and try again. - If you OFF James DSP after ON, reenable Dirac (OFF/ON), if you need it. - If you OFF G-cam 64 after ON, reboot the device, otherwise bugs are possible. - ANX cam: If you have problems with a wide angle camera - just turn off the lens distortion correction function, or set the mode to 9/16. - If you have sound crackles, try ON OFF James DSP. - You can find additional kernels in the support chat (with ALMK, reduced voltage etc.) ===== 19 October, 2022 ===== - BegoniaParts updates - Media and audio fixes for game streamers - Game performance improvements - Kernel switched to SLMK by default ===== 05 January, 2022 ===== - Fixed playing of system sounds, incl. ringtones. - The config for the built-in Gcam is now also loaded after format data. - Fixed definition of wide-angle camera. BegoniaParts: - Added additional performance profiles - Added codec switcher - Added 80MHz Wi-Fi range switch - Added Force 64MP switch - Added V-Sync switch - Added switch for debug.sf.latch_unsignaled - Added switch to disable HW overlays
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