After our recent announcement of Android 13 builds of PixelOS coming to devices very soon, we'd like to give a quick rundown of the changes for these builds.
The first and biggest change is our rebase to AOSP, meaning our team has built the ROM from the ground up to be as optimised as possible at every step and allows us to release builds faster each month as we only need to wait for the security patch from Google.
In addition to the features normally present in stock AOSP, we've brought back the following:
Pixel Features
Smartspace (At-a-Glance and weather on the lock screen)
Unlimited original quality Google Photos backups
Google fonts
Pixel boot animation
Pixel battery graph
3-Finger Swipe to screenshot
Double-tap to sleep on lock screen
Bluetooth device battery indicator on status bar
Delete screenshot button in bottom chip
Single tap to add quick settings tiles
Advanced reboot
Navigation bar layout inversion
The following additional quick settings tiles; Caffeine, Data switch, USB tethering, Auto-brightness toggle, Heads-up notifications toggle
Icon manager for statusbar
Applied Material You colouring to more system elements
Fine tuned status bar padding
Tweaked friction levels for improved scrolling
Reduced log verbosity
Remove system recording audio limits
2-button navbar option
Performance improvements from ProtonAOSP
Sensitive quick settings tiles require unlocking the phone
Backup tools (Magisk doesn't have to be flashed again after every update)
Refresh rate settings under display options (on supported devices)
Font size in finer 5% increments with more scale options from 80% to 130%
Add package name to installed app details
More themed icons for the Pixel Launcher home screen
As always, we hope you continue to enjoy the project and we'll be back next month with another build and post.
By @dsashwin , @cyberknight777 & @sarthakroy2002
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