Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Redmi Note 10 (mojito/sunny)
Device maintainer: Anush Madathumkara (Anush02198)
==== 14 September, 2022 ====
+ Based on New Rebased WCSF Kernel
+ Fixed NFC Spams.
+ Fixed MTP related issues.
==== 22 July, 2022 ====
+ Based on New Rebased WCSF Kernel
+ sm6150-common: libinit: Override odm_dlkm and vendor_dlkm props
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Address WFD prop denial
+ sm6150-common: Drop atrace HIDL service
+ sm6150-common: Remove TARGET_ENABLE_MEDIADRM_64
+ sm6150-common: set debug.sf.latch_unsignaled to 1
+ Update Blobs from Stock MIUI release-keys
+ sm6150-common:Fix mi_thermald related sepolicies
+ Fix gc related logspam's
+ Re-implemented F2fsRecessModeEnable
+ Improved R/W performance.
+ Improved overall stability.
==== 13 June, 2022 ====
+ Update Blobs from MIUI
+ Uses Rebased WCSF Kernel.
+ mojito: overlay: Set fps location on x-axis
+ mojito: overlay: Configure side fps properties
+ mojito: vAB: Move recovery resources to /vendor_boot
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Add vendor prefix to camera persist file type
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Enable config_forceMultiResolution
+ sm6150-common: vAB: Move GSI AVB keys to /vendor_boot
+ sm6150-common: Fixup Vulkan deQP permission copy
+ sm6150-common: Fix display animation while AOD on/off screen
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Decouple suspend from screen state
+ sm6150-common: Build power-off charging daemon dependency
+ sm6150-common: editorconfig: Add EditorConfig configuration
+ sm6150-common: configs: Add interaction boosts
+ sm6150-common: configs: Set 1 second timeout for interaction boosts
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Drop display STATE_DOZE
+ sm6150-common: powerhint: Enable F2FS background GC
+ sm6150-common: powerhint: Use generic F2FS path provided by init
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Add F2FS sysfs permission
==== 26 April, 2022 ====
+ Based on rebased WCS Kernel.
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Disable wallpaper zooming
+ sm6150-common: Update surfaceflinger props
+ sm6150-common: Disable partial FB excl rect
+ sm6150-common: audio: extend buffer size to 256kb for offload playback
+ sm6150-common: Enable support for protected content GPU composition
+ sm6150-common:Remove Display framebuffer flag
+ sm6150-common: props: Fix rank of OMX audio codec components
+ sm6150-common: media: Add swap width and height feature
+ sm6150-common: audio: Remove dynamic attributes from APS config
+ sm6150-common: audio: Add Stereo config channel support to usb surround sound
+ sm6150-common: Enable call recording
+ sm6150-common: use armv8-2a-dotprod
+ sm6150-common: Symlink libvndfwk_detect_jni.qti for CneApp
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Enable haptic text cursor
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Disable proximity usage during doze
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Enable burn-in protection
+ sm6150-common: rootdir: Add recovery label
+ mojito: Inherit vAB makefile from new dir
+ mojito: Inherit launch_with_vendor_ramdisk for vAB
+ mojito: fix deprecated power profile items
==== 02 March, 2022 ====
+ Update blobs from MIUI 13.0.5
+ Based on rebased WCS Kernel.
+ Added Thermal Profiles
+ Added Dirac Audio
+ sdm6150-common: Disable triple buffering
+ sm6150-common: Make fastrpc_shell_3 publicly available
+ sm6150-common:Update Some Blobs from LA.UM.9.1.r1-11500.02-SMxxx0.QSSI12.0
+ sm6150-common:Add missing zram writeback props
+ sm6150-common: Use proper dynamic partition size for AB
+ sm6150-common: prop: Checkout with latest miui13 release
+ sm6150-common: audio: Remove FM Tuner from input devices
+ sm6150-common: wifi: Relax WiFi re-association RSSI thresholds
+ sm6150-common: wifi: Disable RX wakelock feature
+ sm6150-common: Update surfaceflinger pin for A12
+ sm6150-common: parts: Increase BootCompletedReceiver priority
+ sm6150-common: Use to vendor C2 manifest entry
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Don't pin renderscript
+ sm6150-common: Build extphonelib libs
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Address xiaomi parts denials.
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Add mlstrustedsubject attribute to parts.
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Label bootanim color props
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Label more imei props
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Address vendor_dataservice_app denies
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Address telephony denies
+ sm6150-common: sepolicy: Allow recovery to access pstore
+ sm6150-common: Don't inherit updatable_apex.mk
+ sm6150-common: cmdline: Disable kpti
+ sm6150-common: Add hardware/qcom-caf/wlan to namespaces and wpa_suppl…
+ sm6150-common: Adding developer GSI keys
+ mojito:Update Touch Improve blobs from LA.UM.9.1.r1-11500.02-SMxxx0.QSSI12.0
==== 31 January, 2022 ====
+ Update blobs from MIUI 13
+ Updated WCS Kernel.
+ Fixed few sepolicy denials and wakeup nodes.
+ sm6150-common: prop: Optimise dex flags
+ sm6150-common: prop: Import commonized audio pcm voip
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Update config_safe_media_volume_index
+ sm6150-common: overlay: Drop unused/useless overlays
+ sm6150-common: prop: Set media vol steps to 25
+ sm6150-common: Build media Codec2 modules
==== 14 January, 2022 ====
+ Initial Beta build.
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