2021-12-16 To use this release you need: - update your firmware to 12.5.10 DEVICE: * Fod fixes * Dynamic thermal is back * Minor changes KERNEL: * Merged CAF LA.UM.9.12.r1-13500.01-SMxx50.QSSI12.0 tag ROM: 12/17 Evolver: Add VoWiFi icon support Evolver: Optional VoWiFi icon styles 12/16 PixelPropsUtils: Invite streaming apps to the party SystemUI: theme: Override modulated dark QS background color 12/15 NavigationBar: Prevent a rare crash vendor: apns: Add auth_type explanation vendor: apns: Correct Telia vendor: apns: Fix wrong IPV4 protocols vendor: apns: Remove unused "spn" attribute 12/14 Add show|hide udfps view callbacks to IBiometricsFingerprint@2.3 Partially merge December 2021 security patches PixelPropsUtils: Spoof Pixel XL for Samsung wearables PixelPropsUtils: Update raven fingerprint to December 2021 Settings: Double tap to trigger doze Settings: DoubleTapGesture: Use new material-you illustration preference Settings: VolumeMusicControl: Use new material-you illustration preference SystemUI: follow colorSurface for alertslider background SystemUI: implement alertslider dialogs SystemUI: rewrite alertslider classes in kt and improve overall services: fonts: use a simple sha512 hash based file verification system 12/13 PackageInfo: Optimize ApplicationInfo creation SystemUI: Reduce screenshot dismiss delay to 2 seconds 12/12 Allow additional padding for center clock Make center clock follow paddingTop QSPanel: Don't crash when not using media player SystemUI: Fix NPE in NotificationPanelViewController SystemUI: Fix signal bar icon overlay issue timedetector: Disable lower bound check 12/11 Camera:Fix the memory leak caused during HFR mode Toast: fix layer leak ViewRootImpl:Fix CountDownLatch.await block
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