This is Android 13 with August 2022 security patches Notes: ============================== This build uses AOSP apex and disable Google Play system updates. Uninstall 'Main components' and 'Support components' apps if found in Settings app. To fix mobile data issues, Reset your APN settings on all SIMs. Device changes: ============================== initial Android 13 Build Use the "Force 120hz refresh rate" toggle in display settings to toggle between 60/120hz for now. (Ignore the smooth display toggle) Signed build with evolution keys Selinux info is Enforcing Credit :- Arian, Adarsh, Vantom for the device sources Aryannn999 for sources and help Thanks To all beta testers ------------------------------ ROM changes: ============================== Bring back several QS tiles (PowerShare, Caffeine, Ambient Display, USB Tethering, Sync, Sound, Heads Up, Reboot/Recovery/Power off, Volume panel) Bring up Evolver for A13 (Screen off animations, Photos/Gaming spoof, etc) Evolver: Bring back UDFPS haptic feedback toggle, unlock ripple toggle, and status bar icons menu Port UDFPS changes from 12.1 (thanks to ArrowOS) Settings: Add proximity check on wake toggle Settings: Add screenshot sound toggle Settings: Bring back refresh rate settings Settings: Enable OTA support Update Google app packages and configs config: Disable blur flag and props evolution: CarrierSettings: Initial update for Tiramisu evolution: rro_overlays: Initial update for Tiramisu Add Google Sound Search tile Bring back Screen off UDFPS ColorUtils: Prevent crash if alpha component is translucent EnhancedEstimates: Get estimates from Device Health Services Evolver: Add Flashlight blink on incoming calls Evolver: Add Lockscreen album art filter Evolver: Add Secure QS tile toggle Evolver: Add Volume key cursor control Evolver: Add double tap to sleep gesture Evolver: Add double tap to sleep on lockscreen Evolver: Add kill button to notification guts Evolver: Add navbar layout inversion tuning Evolver: Add option to Display Data Disabled Indicator Icon Evolver: Add quick settings pull down with one finger Evolver: Add roaming indicator toggle Evolver: Add runtime configurable audio panel location Evolver: Allow disabling qs on secure lockscreen Evolver: Allow scheduling always on display Evolver: Allow to disable qs footer warnings Evolver: Allow to enable Lockscreen Media Art Evolver: Allow to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is ON Evolver: Allow using 4G icon instead LTE Evolver: Bring back Network traffic Evolver: Bring back Power menu options Evolver: Bring back Status bar brightness control Evolver: Bring back old style mobile data indicators Evolver: Hide power menu on secure lockscreen Evolver: Incall vibration options Evolver: Launch default music player on headset connect Evolver: Less boring heads up option Evolver: Live Volume Steps Fix Google Photos unlimited backup Fix screen flickering when using one handed mode PowerUI: Mute logcat spam QSPanel: Don't crash when not using media player Reduce NotificationHistoryDatabase logspam Restore cache clean up code in PackageManagerService Screenshot: Remove scroll chip button text Settings: Add Wake on plug toggle Settings: Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking Settings: Allow changing the length of gesture navbar Settings: Bring back Immersive Navbar (full screen gestures) Settings: Bring back Smart Pause Settings: Double tap to trigger doze Settings: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock Settings: Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM device Settings: Port Volume Long Press Skip Tracks SettingsProvider: Set device name to marketname if available Stop Microsoft apps from crashing without INTERNET permission StrictMode: Don't enable extra features for userdebug builds SystemUI: Add colors to assistant animation SystemUI: Better QS detail clip animation SystemUI: Block annoying statusbar call strength icon SystemUI: Bring back separate wifi & data QS tiles SystemUI: Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by current profile SystemUI: Dismiss screenshot window on touch outside SystemUI: Enable lockscreen media artwork even if qs media is enabled SystemUI: Enable session-based media actions for all apps SystemUI: Fix double unlock sound issue SystemUI: Forward-port smartspace to Android 13 SystemUI: HeadsUpTile: Open Heads Up fragment on long click SystemUI: Introduce dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons SystemUI: Make battery & clock clickable again in QuickStatusBarHeader SystemUI: Prevent loop with display timeout SystemUI: Respect Statusbar left padding in keyguard carrier TtsEngines: avoid crashes caused by null engine name core: Wipe package cache on upgrade even on user build display: Don't spam log when display state changes services: Whitelist Nfc Service from clipboard toasts telephony: show ICCID by default for all Evolver: Add Hide Status bar on Lock screen toggle Evolver: Allow enabling compact layout of navigation bar Evolver: Custom logo customizations Fix Wakelock issue Hide the "Show the vibrate icon in the Status Bar" setting Port "Battery Usage Alerts" feature from factory images PreviewInflater: Fix issue with google dialer widget on keyguard QS: Add Music QS Tile QuickStatusBarHeader: Fix clickability issue with privacy indicator Settings: Add hotspot setting to allow XPN upstreams Settings: Add pocket lock toggle Settings: Add preference for toggling the wallpaper zooming animation Settings: Allow to hide arrow for back gesture Settings: DevicePicker: Adapt to S style Settings: Display auto rotate settings instead of toggle Settings: Fixup start padding for battery usage graph Settings: Long press to copy wifi password Settings: Observe auto brightness mode changes Settings: Remove divider from Battery Manager Settings: Smart Charging Settings: Update package details to match S style Settings: Use List Preference for NightLight settings Settings: Use font configs instead fonts directly Settings: check wifi direct feature for showing preferences Settings: move Extra Dim feature to display SoftAp: add Hidden SSID preference SoftAp: add client manager SystemUI: Add XPN tile SystemUI: Switch notification background to monet on heads up Turn off carrier provisioning by default to allow tethering Wire up default fonts with font engine base: Do not reset keyguard going away state base: Use font configs instead hardcoded fonts development: Enable force resizable activities by default development: Enable freeform windows by default pocket lock: Increase to 15 sec the pocket lock screenNotes:
• VantomKernel is the default kernel
• The latest MIUI 13 firmware for your region is recommended
By @zaidkhan0997
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