Changes on top of AOSP:
- Included GMS
- Spoofing as a Pixel device
- Google Sans for the system and clock font
- Some tweaks and optimizations from ProtonAOSP
- Inbuilt repainter integration
- Disabled some unwanted logging
- Fixed a few NPEs
- Made Night Light transition more gradual
- Added various missing lottie animations
- Added three finger swipe to screenshot
- Add delete action to screen recorder notification
- Add delete action chip intent
- Add back legacy Wi-Fi and cellular data QS tiles
- Add caffeine QS tile
- Add heads up tile
- Add Sync tile
- Add AmbientDisplay tile
- Add USB Tether tile
- Add AOD QS tile
- Added bluetooth battery indicator
- Added themed icons stuff
- Enabled the LTE+ icon
- Updates to various icons
- Make battery & clock clickable again in QuickStatusBarHeader
- Open the screenshot instead of edit
- Add some other stuff from Pixel Devices
- SafetyNet passes
- Lots of other stuff I'm too lazy to list out and/or probably forgot
• Initial Android 13 based GMS build
• Use the "Force 120hz refresh rate" toggle in display settings to toggle between 60/120hz for now. (Ignore the smooth display toggle)
By @Aryannn999
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