Highlights & Device Specific Changes: Build type: Weekly / Stable Device: Redmi Note 10 Pro / Max (sweet/sweetin) Device maintainer: Pranav Vashi (neobuddy89) Required firmware: V13.0.8.0.SKFMIXM Highlights & Device Specific Changes: =================================== 18th August, 2022 Short changelog: * Android August 2022 Security update (android-12.1.0_r22) * Dialer - Added Smart mute * Dialer: Add ability to set full screen photos for calls * Launcher3 - Added toggle for translucent hotseat background * Launcher3 - Disabled extra hotseat bottom space * Launcher3 - Added toggle for memory info view * Launcher3 - Added new themed icons * Fix QS expand lag when VoLTE/VoWiFi icons are enabled * Fixed some volume panel colors in some cases * Fixed QS battery style * Fixed navbar color for Settings, GameSpace, Device settings * Improved dark mode support * Various updates to art and libcore * Enabled Global ThinLTO for ROM (improved performance) * Enabled Full LTO for kernel (improved performance) =================================== 1st August, 2022 Short changelog: * Revamp monet theming for Messaging, Dialer and Contacts apps =================================== 30th July, 2022 Short changelog: * sweet: Fixed Bluetooth regression in last build (fixes rare deep sleep issues) * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.290 stable release * sweet: Merged latest CAF tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-12100.01-SMxxx0.QSSI13.0 in kernel * sweet: Relaxed big cluster min frequency level =================================== 28th July, 2022 Short changelog: * GameSpace - Added notifications customization to choose between heads up, ticker and danmaku style * GameSpace - Added "Do not change" ringer mode * GameSpace - Added launcher icon * GameSpace - Fixed issues with multiple users * Added Meow icon shape * Updated sqlite from upstream * Fixed issue with text select and copy with GBoard * sweet: Removed unsupported compress input sound configurations (fixes low mic sound on some apps) * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.289 stable release * sweet: Merged latest CAF tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-12100-SMxxx0.QSSI12.0 in kernel * sweet: Silenced spamming sepolicy denials =================================== 16th July, 2022 Short changelog: * Android July 2022 Security update (android-12.1.0_r11) * Added QS Battery location customization - move clock to quick statusbar * Added toggle to disable screenshot shutter sound * Added recents blur and app drawer blur customization in launcher settings * Added toggles to turn off quick actions in recents screen of launcher * Added toggles for wallpaper zooming and wallpaper scrolling in launcher settings * Removed duplicate lockscreen small clock toggle * Improved Material You design for crDroid Settings and Calculator * Fixed launcher crash while changing wallpaper in rare instances * Misc fixes and optimizations * sweet: Added missing compress input sound configurations * sweet: Changed phase offset values for smoother display * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.288 stable release =================================== 28th June, 2022 Short changelog: * Added 200+ new themed icons for launcher * Added launcher option to disable wallpaper scrolling * Switched to blur QS customization * Improved partial screenshot layout * Fixed issue with privacy indicators not changing with toggle * Fixed notification sound issue in silent mode * Fixed crash in Contacts app on long pressing number * Fixed issue with lockscreen timeout * Under the hood optimizations for art, sqlite, media and more * sweet: Disabled ZRam writeback (improved stability) =================================== 21st June, 2022 Short changelog: * Android June 2022 Security update (android-12.1.0_r7) * Added toggle to disable top shadow in launcher homescreen * Added new themed icons for launcher * Added QS tile animation customization * Added toggle to show data used in QS Footer * Added transparent QS customization * Redesigned game overlay of Game space * Fixed scrolling issue in recents overview for landscape apps/games * Fixed issue with visibility of few options in recents overview of launcher * Fixed issues on certain apps like Netflix with CRT/scale screen-off animations * sweet: Removed Moto Dolby for now (fixed echo issue in call on other side) * sweet: Addressed various sepolicy denials when setting props * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.284 stable release =================================== 8th June, 2022 Short changelog: * Use app icon for per-app volume customization * Added toggle to disable per-app volume * Added time/date info in game overlay * Added launcher - app drawer row height customization * Improved launcher - app drawer icon layout consistency with app label disabled * Improved screen record dialog layout * Improve spacing when using text style battery * Launch crdroid settings directly by long pressing settings icon in QS * Added option to remove timer before screen record * Updated av codecs from CAF * sweet: Fixed freeze issue in certain cases =================================== 4th June, 2022 Short changelog: * Added new "Lock Gesture" tile in GameSpace * Fixed SystemUI ANR with network traffic mode * Improve spacing when using text style battery * "Material You" theming updates and fixes for SystemUI, Messaging and Dialer apps * Fixed weird artifacts in QS panel especially after changing to/from dark mode * Fixed QS clock being white on light mode after playing music * Latest ports for libjpeg-turbo, harfbuzz_ng, freetype, zlib, libvpx, htop, giflib, sqlite - better performance * Misc trivial fixes and updated translations * sweet: Dolby fixes and updates * sweet: Mic fixes (thanks to test team for confirming) * sweet: Kernel stability update * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.281 stable release * sweet: Switched new livedisplay modes (reset your current color mode before flashing this) * sweet: Updated blobs from V13.0.8.0.SKFMIXM * sweet: Revert fingerprint hal to 2.2 to fix animation after wake issue =================================== 22nd May, 2022 Short changelog: * Switched to new GameSpace (crdroid > Misc) * Updated sqlite to latest version + in-house tweaks * Fixed white on white text for clock in quick settings panel * sweet: Added Dolby audio FX (settings > sound) * sweet: Added audio scene selection for Mi Sound customizer (settings > sound) * sweet: Added new dirac headset presets * sweet: Various clean ups and performance improvements for kernel * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.280 stable release =================================== 15th May, 2022 Short changelog: * Android May 2022 Security update (android-12.1.0_r5) * Pixel like Wallpaper colors support in ThemePicker * Added toggle to enable taskbar (crdroid launcher settings > misc) * Added toggle to enable grid in recents view (crdroid launcher settings > misc) * Added new Dora icons for wifi, signal and navbar styles (crdroid > UI) * Fixed issue with navbar showing circle cutout on different styles * Added toggle to disable pixel animation on navbar * Adjusted lockscreen clock fonts for lesser spacing on some fonts * Misc performance improvements and fixes * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.278 stable release * sweet: Update blobs from V13.0.7.0.SKFMIXM * sweet: Add missing audio props * sweet: New camera icon to match revamped style * sweet: Removed various unused diagnostic services (better performance) * sweet: Charging speed optimizations [test] * sweet: ARM LSE optimizations for kernel ================================== 25th April, 2022 Short changelog: * Added toggle to disable haptic in gestural navigation * Added toggle to hide back arrow in gestural navigation * Added icon pack support for crDroid Home launcher * Misc fixes and updates * sweet: Fixed camera crash in full screen photo mode * sweet: Unlocked 4k video recording mode * sweet: Updated refresh rate props for smoother UI (still little lag on boot) * sweet: Removed various cruft from kernel for better UI performance * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.276 stable release * sweet: Fixed DAC audio regression in last builds * sweet: Added missing blobs and updated blobs from V13.0.8.0.SKFEUXM ================================== 20th April, 2022 Short changelog: * Added toggle to switch between AOSP-style and Google-style battery stats * Added heads up timeout customization (crdroid > notifications) * Added toggle for black theme (settings > display > dark theme) * Added material style notification dismiss button (crdroid > quick settings) * Misc fixes, updates and optimizations * sweet: Misc security updates (kernel) * sweet: Added Quick Tap support (settings > system > gestures) * sweet: Updated Fingerprint HAL to 2.3 ================================== 10th April, 2022 Short changelog: * Android April 2022 Security update (android-12.1.0_r4) * Fixed and re-added Google games dashboard * Added intial reTicker feature (crdroid > notifications) * Added Smart Pixels support (crdroid > UI) * Added toggle to disable fingerprint when screen off (crdroid > Lockscreen) * Revamped core app icons (clear launcher data to see them) * Improved adaptive battery support * sweet: Reworked refresh rate tile * sweet: Fixed per-app thermal settings layout * sweet: Added per-app refresh rate control * sweet: Added Dirac QS tile * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.275 stable release * sweet: More fixes for mic issues ================================== 2nd April, 2022 Short changelog: * Added various new themed icons for launcher * sweet: Fixed camera video recording regression * sweet: Fixed low mic volume issue * sweet: Added back refresh rate controls * sweet: Improved haptic feedback / vibration intensity * sweet: Added haptics feedback control (settings > sound) ================================== 1st April, 2022 !! Clean flash required !! Short changelog: * Initial Android 12L release * Android March 2022 Security update (android-12.1.0_r2) * Updated arm optimized routines from upstream * Added launcher option to disable suggestions * sweet: Updated bluetooth, media and wifi configs from stock * sweet: Reworked display cutouts to prevent halo with camera * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.273 stable release ================================== 7th March, 2022 Short changelog: * Added toggle to disable QS on secure lockscreen * Added toggle to disable Power Menu on secure lockscreen * Added Airplane mode and Device control toggles for power menu * Added customization to hide clock on launcher screen * Added gesture navigation customizations * Added toggle to enable kill button on notification long press * Material You Design for Dialer, Messaging and DeskClock * Improved Hidden & Protected apps for launcher * sweet: Updated blobs from V13.0.3.0.SJUMIXM * sweet: Merged latest CAF tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-11700-SMxxx0.0 for kernel * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.269 stable release * sweet: Fixed 64MP/108MP and front cam (BETA) ================================== 27th February, 2022 Short changelog: * Added face unlock customization * Added toggle to combine wifi and mobile signal icons (A12) * Added timeout feature for wifi and bluetooth (auto disable inactive wifi/bluetooth after specified time) * Added toggle to enable device spoof for FPS in select games (crdroid > misc) * Added toggle to disable device spoof for unlimited storage in Google Photos * Added settings to change volume dialog timeout * Added settings to change volume dialog on left/right * Added new Navbar styles for 3-button navbar (crdroid > UI) * Added new Outline icon pack (for system icons) * Added settings to change resolution/FPS for WiFi display output (cast settings) * Added Hidden & Protected apps for Launcher * Misc fixes and improvements for Data switch tile * Improvements for launcher dock searchbar * Fixed local update installation via Updater app * Trivial fixes and misc bionic optimizations * sweet: Switch to encrypted builds (Use provided recovery and Updater app) * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.268 stable release ================================== 11th February, 2022 Short changelog: * Android February 2022 Security update (android-12.0.0_r29) * Added Force Full Screen apps to customize hide notch bar per app * Added toggle in homescreen to theme icons on google searchbar in dock * Added per-app volume customization (Settings > Sound) * Added google lens icon to dock searchbar when installed * Added Cloudflare and Adguard DNS server options in Settings * Enabled USAP customization * Moved Extra Dim feature from accessibility to display under Settings * Fixes for data switch tile * Fixed music visualizer toggle under Display > Lockscreen * Fixed issues with statusbar/lockscreen DT2S toggle * Fixed issues with ripple animation on unlock toggle * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.265 stable release * sweet: Merge CAF latest tag LA.UM.9.1.r1-11600-SMxxx0.0 for kernel * sweet: Updated kernel clang to latest google clang 14.0.2 * sweet: Fixed few more sepolicy denials * sweet: Update blobs from V13.0.3.0.SKFEUXM ================================== 5th February, 2022 Short changelog: * Added screen off animation customization (crdroid > UI) * Added toggle to switch to old style mobile indicator (crdroid > statusbar) * Added pixel like google search bar for launcher * Fixed issue with launcher where icon would not disappear after uninstall * sweet: Upstreamed kernel to v4.14.264 stable release * sweet: Fixed SDM spam in logcat (probably save more battery) ================================== 1st February, 2022 Short changelog: * Added Game Space - gaming mode (crdroid > misc OR long press tile) * Added in-call vibration toggle (crdroid > sound) * Added toggle to enable blink on call (crdroid > notifications) * Added toggle to force small clock on lockscreen * Added toggle to disable ripple effect on unlock * Added pixel navbar animation, enabled by default * Fixed Google search app crash on long press home button * Fixed glitchy charging info on lockscreen * Fixed few issues with gestural navbar where pill disappears * Added customization to set different ringtones for multiple sims * Added new HarmonyOS font style + improved existing font overlays * Added new Pavlova UI icon pack * Added new icon shapes overlays * sweet: Massive blob and HIDL updates from V13.0.2.0.SKFMIXM * sweet: Added ability to disable SIM card * sweet: Improved default color config (no more yellowish tint) * sweet: Added night light toggle / tile * sweet: Switched to SF phase duration/offsets from raven (better smoothness?) * sweet: Fixed various new sepolicy denials * sweet: Removed PM QoS optimizations to fix deep sleep issues in some instances * sweet: Slightly increase mic volume (not tested) * sweet: Reworked cutout overlay ================================== 19th January, 2022 Short changelog: * Added in-call vibration toggle (crdroid > sound) * Added deep sleep % info (settings > about) * Updated Launcher app with many more themed icons * Fixed FC in power menu customization ================================== 18th January, 2022 Short changelog: * Added toggle to suppress notification sound when screen is on * Added toggles to disable location/camera/mic privacy indicators in statusbar * Added customization to run legacy apps in full screen (crdroid > UI) * Fixed monet theming issues (Reapply icon pack if issue persist) * Revamped UI for applying icon packs and font styles * Added customization to change signal icon and wifi icon styles * Added seekbar for setting animation values (settings > developer options) * Added customization to set minimum interval between notification sounds (app info > notifications > minimum time between notification) * Fixed battery glitch in QS panel * sweet: Adjust statusbar end padding (kill extra space on right) * sweet: PM QoS fixes and improvement (kernel) ================================== 16th January, 2022 Short changelog: * Android January 2022 Security update (android-12.0.0_r27) * Added statusbar colored icon customization * Added statusbar notification count toggle * Added toggle to disable headsup for most apps * Added increasing ring volume toggle * Added option to choose battery percentage position (left/right) * Pulse visualizer fixes * OxgenOS icon pack improvements * Fixed battery estimate in QS * Reworked power menu customizations * Redesigned permission prompt dialog * Bionic, libcore and ART optimizations * sweet: Tuned cpu and gpu frequencies for better performance. * sweet: Fixed various sepolicy denials and neverallows * sweet: Tuned SF phase offsets for better responsiveness ================================== 12th January, 2022 Short changelog: * Initial ReleaseNotes:
• Use June version of Flame Gapps
(Newer Flame Gapps will boot loop)
By @neobuddy89
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