Everything is working fine from my side
If find any bug then report in our support group
Device Changelog:
Selinux enforcing
August security patch
Upstreamed from source as of 15 August 2022
Tune zram & swappinness
update camera to v45
Enable SIP based VoIP feature
Add dirac logo
Fixed OK Google
Translation updates
Updated kernel to 4.9.324~fussion
Update GPS from LA.UM.9.6.3.r1-06200-89xx.0
Update vector icons to MD2 versions
Add props for smooth ui
Fixed navigation gestures
Fixed bt calling
Fix apn not showing
Fix FP
Fix wifi and hotspot
Added hw light nd customisation support
Many other changes I forget to mention in this
Source CL
- Merged August sp
- Added the ability to hide arrow on back gesture
- Optimized ScrimState
- GmsCompat updates from graphene os
- Major improvements to reticker
- Fixed an issue with gamespace crashing with multiple users
- Fixed some qs lag when volte/vowifi icons are enabled
- Changed icon for output picker on volume panel
- Changed bg tint of inactive rows on volume panel
- Added a toggle between caf and aosp wifi icon style
- Revamped fps counter
- Added the ability to configure sb and qs clock size
- Reverted to a12L qs panel
- Added options to configure qs columns
- Added options to hide qs labels and use vertical layout
- Updated notification count icons
- Made Keyguard Clock follow system font
- Added some new fonts
- Enabled multi audio focus while per app volume is active
- Switched headups notification background to Monet
- Added seekbars for sb paddings
- Improved some animations on qs
- Removed marque from carrier and qs tile view ( Improves scrolling experience a lot)
- Fixed some crashes
- Some performance improvements to zlib
- Added an option to enable sb bg chip
- Fixed media artwork bg options
- Added the ability to select custom TTF files
- Added an optional memory view to Spark launcher
- Fixed some spark Launcher crashes
- Redid blur and opacity customizations on Spark launcher
- Added a toggle for launcher quick actions
- Added a toggle for app drawer search bar
- Added an option to force app white label
- Added support for google dialer call recording
Thanks to @Alone0316 @Vastrolorde @pbharadwaj_95 for their nonstop support
Special Thanks to @zeelog for everything
@cybertrion for testing
Join : @sahilsdiscussion
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