Chnagelog: *Switched to User Build *Fixed Alarm issue *Fixed Google Camera crashes issue *Updated list of public libraries from sweet and phoenix *Disable slow blur effect to avoid laggish blur effect *Updated audio stack from SWEETEEAGlobal_V13.0.10.0.SKFEUXM *Fixed Raise to wake icon on dark mode *Tuned memory parameters from CAF *Enabled subtle-tick vibration on pull-down QS Panel (Vanilla) *Tuned CPU and sched parameters from CAF *Droped all prebuilt apps *Improved Chraging Speed (Upto 3012mA from 0-70%) *Set fast charging indicator threshold to 10W *Fixed Offline Charging missing Animation *Fixed Dolby presets not working for Bluetooth *Checkout CarrierConfig to LA.QSSI.12.0.r1-05800.01- qssi.0 *Fixed some sepolicy issues & removed duplicate addresses *Updated GPS configs from sweet V13.0.8.0.SKFMIXM *Updated some GPS changes from LA.UM.9.1.r1-11200- SMxxx0.0 *Switched to prebuilt mlipay blobs *Set Window animation & transition scale to 0% *Enabled 4x MSAA by default *Built opensource soundtrigger HAL *Updated clear speaker audio using DTMF + Chirp tones *Dropped Dynamic Thermals (Not Working Properly) *Fixed some notification & QS lag *Switched to SkiaGL threaded *Enabled Qualcomm TrueWireless™ Stereo audio(TWS) *Fixed Google Recorder issue *Enabled USB FastCharge (Upto 900mA by default) *Upstreamed Kernel to 4.14.208 *Fixed cam interface on vilte calls *Imported some changes on powerhint from sunfish Notes: Encrypted by Default After Bootup settle it down for 5-10 min Flashing Gudie: Wipe (dalvik, Caches, system, vendor, data). Flash Firmware Flash Rom Zip + NikCore Gapps(Vanilla User) Flash FcryptV3(Decryption) Boot into System. Credits: @Joker_V2_0, @dasshubham762, @raghavt20, @miju12 & Violet Community
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